DEEP SPACE ========== An all machine code version of the arcade game for your Spectrum. Features: Clockwise Rotation, Anti Clockwise Rotation, Thrust Rockets, Hyperdrive, Photon Torpedoes, Three sizes of Space Rubble, Space Debris, Wrap around screen, Bonus Life, Alien Space Craft, Sound Effects, Full Colour. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS: a) Full loading instructions are given in chapter 20 of the Spectrum Manual. To load Deep Space: b) Connect the ear socket of the Spectrum to the ear socket of your tape player using the lead supplied with your Spectrum. c) Make sure the tape is fully rewound. d) Type Load "" Code. e) Press Enter. f) Start your tape player. g) When the program has loaded it will run automatically and you will be presented with an instruction sheet. Just follow the prompts to continue. PLAYING DEEP SPACE: Your controls are: M Rotate Clockwise N Rotate Anti Clockwise V Engage Thrust Rockets H Engage Hyper Drive Z Fire Photon Torpedoes The object of the game is to blast all of the space debris that is coming at you from all directions. The smaller the asteroid the more points you get. Also be aware that alien spacecraft are patrolling that sector of space - their destruction is worth 100 points. You start with three ships and get a bonus life for a score in excess of 25000. Each time you clear a sheet, the game will increase in speed and more debris will appear. There is a full wrap around screen. Display so if you thrust off the top of the screen you will reappear on the bottom edge. GOOD LUCK! © Copyright 1983 Personal Software Services Ltd. All rights of the producer, and of the owner, of the work being produced, are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use. Another exciting arcade game for your Spectrum 48K from PSS, 452 Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry, U.K.