ERIC BRISTOW'S PRO-DARTS ======================== Program: P.A. Hughes Full colour high resolution display. One or two player option. For one player option your professional opponent is Eric Bristow. Mathematical calculation of errors to simulate the scores obtained by players of a professional standard. Rebound off other darts or the wire. The facility to list standard checkout darts from any given score, e.g. 50: Bull or 18, double 16 112: treble 20, 20 double 16 Automatic aiming of darts to any single, double, treble, the outer or bull. Dart statistics given for each player at the end of each game. LOADING THE PROGRAM You will find the procedure for loading a program in the Spectrum basic manual, chapter 20. The procedure for loading Pro-Darts is given below: 1. Connect the ear socket of the Spectrum to the ear socket of your cassette recorder. 2. Make sure that the tape is wound to the beginning. 3. Set the volume control to a suitable level. 4. Set maximum treble, minimum bass on the tone controls. 5. Type LOAD"". 6. Press ENTER. 7. Start the cassette recorder. 8. The program will RUN itself once loaded and will provide instructions. If the program does not load correctly try a different volume level. Hi there, Welcome to my pro-darts computer program. This game’s really got the atmosphere and tension of professional dart tournaments. (Mind you get your own beer in and prize money’s down to you.) You need calm nerves and a steady hand to succeed as a pro-darts player. So best of order, game on (and don’t lose your bottle). Be lucky, Eric Bristow © Copyright 1984 Quicksilva Ltd. All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work being produced, are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use. WARNING: These programs are sold according to QUICKSILVA Ltd’s terms of trade and conditions of sale, copies of which are available on request.