FALLEN ANGEL ============ He had been the best! The trains on his patrol had been free from crime. He had seen to that. But the death of his 'Green Beret' brother from a drug overdose sent him over the edge. Seeking vengeance he hounded drug dealers and showed no mercy when he caught them. He became known as a Renegade - the FALLEN ANGEL Wearing his brother's beret as a tribute, he was a familiar sight on the New York subway network. A man to be avoided at all costs. Then came a break. By chance he uncovered an international drugs ring which was using the subway systems of major cities as a distribution network. The destruction of these people became his only goal. Travelling from country to country to seek out then erradicate the local chapters of the evil drug ring became his deadly mission. He became the judge, the jury and the executioner, an Angel of Death. FALLEN ANGEL is a fantastic scrolling arcade-action game spread across three major city rail networks, eat your way up and down the trains and platforms of the London "Tube", Paris "Metro", and New York Subway systems. Find and destroy the local drug dealers and their henchmen. But beware! Your adversaries are not just highly trained thugs, but often crazed drug fiends, oblivious to pain. GAMEPLAY The game starts on the London Underground. The "Fallen Angel" has arrived at WOODSIDE station to begin his search for the ringleader behind the London drug distribution network. "Fallen Angel" must first dispose of ail of the villians on the platform. If he accomplishes this, he can board the train through the last set of doors. Once on the train, "Fallen Angel" must fight for his life as more evil thugs attack him. If "Fallen Angel" makes it to the next station, he can choose any of the stations shown on the "Station Select" Screen. (Up and down to choose station, Fire to select station). "Fallen Angel" has two tasks to complete before he can fly to the next country's underground system. These are: 1. He must find the plane ticket. This will be found on any one of the underground platforms. 2. Dispose of the network's ringleader. He will always be found at the end of the platform on the last station. "Fallen Angel" may do these tasks in any order and can travel from station to station, up or back down the line as he wishes (or is able to do so!). 1. Score - 6 Digits. 2. Power — to be picked up by FALLEN ANGEL before leaving a level. 3. Time - amount of time left until the departure of the plane. 4. Lives - to be picked up by FALLEN ANGEL. 5. Station - where gameplay is currently taking place. 6. Knife - amount of energy FALLEN ANGEL has left. 7. Air Ticket - amount of lives FALLEN ANGEL has left represented by three green berets. JOYSTICK MOVES-ALL FORMATS JUMP TURN JUMP WALK TURN KICK HIGH KICK \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \|/ \|/ TURN ---*--- WALK TURN ---*--- PUNCH /|\ /|\ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ TURN CROUCH WALK TURN CROUCH LOW KICK NO FIRE BUTTON WITH FIRE BUTTON KEYS ATARI ST / AMIGA: MUSIC - On/Off P - Pause SPECTRUM: COMMODORE 64/128: O - Left P - Right Q - Up A - Down SPACE — Fire H - PauseOn/Off M - Music On/Off IBM PC VERSION (cga): To run the programme, go to the A: drive and Type ANGEL and press RETURN. Cursor Keys Left = Left Right = Right Up = Up Down = Down "Space" = Fire "Esc" = Exit to DOS "S" = Toggle between music and sound effects. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS C64/128K Cassette SHIFT and RUN/STOP C64/128 Disc LOAD"ANGEL",8,1 Spectrum Cassette 128K users should switch on machine and press ENTER then start the tape. 48K users should type LOAD "" (enter) and start the tape. Spectrum Disc insect disk and press ENTER. Atari ST and Commodore Amiga Disc Insert disc and turn on computer. IBM PC Place disc in drive and press A:ANGEL. © Emerald Software Ltd 1989 SCREEN 7 IS A TRADEMARK OF ALL SAINTS DEVELOPMENTS LTD Units 3-7 Baileygate Industrial Estate, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 2LN. Telex 557994 RR DIST G