GOLD RUSH ========= By Martin Harris Have you ever wanted to lay your hands on pots of gold? Well, here's your chance - become a goldminer on the strange planet of Oron! Catch nuggets of the precious metal as they fall from the roof of a vast cavern, but beware the demons from the depths. They're hungry for gold and will kill you if they catch you! Number of players: 1 Joystick (Kempston or Sinclair) or keyboard control Cassette INTRODUCTION Oron may be an odd planet, but it's home to millions of Oronites! This is your chance to live the life of a goldminer on that planet. It's not quite how you might imagine it. The gold mines of Oron are bottomless caverns with nuggets of the precious yellow metal raining from the roof. The traditional method of collecting the gold is difficult and very dangerous. Suspended between the walls of the pit are two pots to catch the gold. But as these pots cannot be moved, you must place a number of girders across the open spaces of the cavern to deflect the falling nuggets into them. This is tricky enough, but real danger comes from the demons of the mine. They want the gold too and will kill you if they catch you! Goldmining on Oron may seem rather strange to you, but digging for the stuff is even stranger to them! GETTING STARTED 1) Before switching on the Spectrum, connect the joystick (Sinclair or Kempston) if this is to be used. 2) Connect the television to the computer and switch the television ON. 3) Connect the cassette recorder to the computer and switch the cassette recorder ON. 4) Place the GOLD RUSH cassette in the recorder and rewind to the beginning. 5) Check that the EAR lead is connected correctly and that the volume level of the cassette recorder is set correctly. 6) Type LOAD"" (do not leave a space between the quotes), then press ENTER. 7) Press PLAY on the tape recorder. 8) When the program is fully loaded (see the How to Play section) press STOP on the cassette recorder. 9) If the program fails to load properly, try adjusting the volume setting of the cassette recorder and repeat the above from step 3. If the problem persists, refer to chapter 6 of the Spectrum Introduction manual. HOW TO PLAY 1) When the initial program has loaded, you will see the title of the game appear on the screen. This will remain in place until the main program has loaded (about 1 minute later). 2) When the game is fully loaded, you can then press one of the numbered keys (1 to 5) to select the skill level. Skill level 1 is the easiest. 3) The message K/J? will now appear on the screen. You must tell the computer how you are going to control the game. Press J if you are using a Kempston joystick, K if you are using the keyboard or a Sinclair joystick. Pressing one of the these keys will start the game. 4) If you use the keyboard to control play, the following keys correspond to the joystick positions: Q and O = Left and Right I and W = Up and Down P = Fire button THE DISPLAY 1) Your current score is displayed at the top left-hand side of the screen. At the top right is the high score. Between the two is the skill level. 2) The display on the left of the screen shows how many girders remain. 3) The display on the right shows the number of lives you have left. 4) The score for each pot of gold is shown below each one. You will be awardeda free life for a pot score of 800 points or more. THE RULES 1) Dozens of gold nuggets are falling from the roof of the mine. As you have only two pots in which to collect them, you must place girders across the open spaces to prevent the gold tumbling into the depths of the cavern. 2) If a nugget falls onto a girder, it will roll along the length until it reaches the end. Before it falls off, you should place a girder on the level below to catch the nugget as it drops. You must continue this process until finally the nugget falls into one of the pots. However, the nuggets roll along the girders to both the left and the right, so it will take all your skill to catch them as they fall. 3) Use the joystick to move around the squares of the central grid. If you press the fire button, you can put down or pick up a girder in the square in which you are standing. 4) Be careful not to get in the way of a falling nugget; if it hits you, you will lose a life. You will also be killed if you are caught by one of the demon skulls. 5) In their efforts to prevent you from collecting the gold, the skulls will move the girders around from place to place. And at skill level 5, they will steal the nuggets which drop past them. 6) You score 5 points every time a nugget strikes a girder and, if it goes into one of the pots, you will be awarded 100 points for every girder hit on the way down. 7) You begin with 3 lives and gain an extra life for every pot score of800 points or more. The game continues, getting harder all the time, until you have no lives left. 8) At any time during play, you can press R to abandon the current game and start a new one. WARNING: ALL RIGHTS OF THE PRODUCER AND THE OWNER OF THE WORK REPRODUCED RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, HIRING, LENDING, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, RADIO OR TV BROADCASTING OR DIFFUSION OF THIS CASSETTE PROHIBITED. ® THORN EMI Video Limited 1983 © THORN EMI Video Limited 1983 Manufactured in the UK