THE GUARDIAN ============ An exciting all machine code arcade game for Spectrum 48K. Kempson Joystick compatible. YOU ARE AT THE GATEWAY TO THE ANTI-MATTER WORLD OF MIGON DO YOU DARE ENTER, WILL YOU SURVIVE? Another exciting arcade game for your Sprectrum from PSS, 452 Stoney Stanton Road, Coventry, U.K. 1. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS If you wish to use the Kempston joystick option please ensure the joystick and interface are connected to your Spectrum BEFORE loading the program. a) Full loading instructions are given in chapter 20 of the Spectrum manual. b) Connect the ear socket of the SPECTRUM to the ear socket of your tape player using the lead supplied with you SPECTRUM. c) Make sure the tape is fully rewound. d) Type LOAD "". e) Press ENTER. f) Start your tape player. g) Whilst the program is loading, a title page will be displayed showing copyright details. When the title page changes, the game has loaded. 2. PLAYING GUARDIAN a) Avoid destruction by Trackers; Antimines, Swirls and Snarks, gaining points, bonuses and extra lives by vaporizing them with laser cannon and (your ultimate weapon) the STAR SMASHER. Unfortunately you have only 2 STAR SMASHERS, so use them wisely for maximum points - the display top right of screen tells you how many are left. The display top left of sceen shows your lives left! When loaded the program gives an on-screen display of the enemy units but SWIRLS and SNARKS are not shown, just to make life a little more difficult! b) KEYBOARD CONTROLS are shown by on-screen displays JOYSTICK CONTRLS Copyright 1983 PERSONAL SOFTWARE SERVICES LTD All rights of the producer, and of the work being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibly for errors nor liability for damage arising from its use.