Highrise Harry ============== Harry has the unenviable job of rust proofing iron girders that are being patroled by a gang of Rust Bugs. The fight is on, will Harry rust proof all the girders in time or will the Rust Bugs get Harry. You must at all times keep out of the way of the Rust Bugs, to do this you can jump over the top of them but remember you must paint every inch of the girder before you proceed to the next section. SCREEN No. 2 Beware don't step on the slides, well try not to anyway. SCREEN No. 3 contains lifts to take you to other parts of the framework. By pressing the correct number displayed on the lifts to that on the keyboard you will be whisked to the various levels. SCORE LINE 10 points for every section painted. 250 points for every screen cleared. SCREEN DISPLAY top left — men top centre — score top right — high score CONTROLLING YOUR GAME Your game can be controlled by using the A.G.F. Joystick Interface II, or keyboard on Label side of the cassette; or by the KEMPSTON joystick interface on the opposite side. If using KEYS: 5 = Left, 6 = Down, 7 = Up, 8 = Right, 0 = Fire! Press S to start game or H to Halt game. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Connect the EAR socket on your Spectrum to the EAR socket on your recorder and ensure the MIC lead is disconnected. 2. Place the cassette tape in the recorder with the labelled side uppermost and rewind to the beginning. 3. Type LOAD"" and then press the ENTER key. NOTE: Do not leave a space between the quotation marks LOAD is obtained by pressing the J key. The " are obtained by pressing the SYMBOL SHIFT and the P keys together. 4. Press PLAY on the cassette recorder. 5. THE CASSETTE WILL NOW LOAD AUTOMATICALLY and a message will apear on the screen after several seconds. If loading is unsuccessful rewind the cassette adjust the VOLUME control on the recorder and try again. NOTE: Full loading instructions can be found in your Spectrum manual. 6. PLAY THE GAME For better sound effects you can increase the volume by connecting the MIC socket on your Spectrum to the MIC on your recorder. Disconnect the EAR lead, remove the cassette tape from the recorder and press the play button, the sound may be amplied through the Loudspeaker of the recorder. BLABY COMPUTER GAMES CROSSWAYS HOUSE, LUTTERWORTH RD., BLABY, LEICESTER. PHONE 0533-773641