LABYRINTH for Sinclair Spectrum by Steven Vignaux from Sinclair Programs, August 1983 OUR INITIAL reaction on playing Labyrinth, by Steven Vignaux of Bridgwater, Somerset was that it surpassed comparable professional software. Perhaps that is not surprising for Vignaux has had more access to computers than the majority of our readers. His school owns five Spectrums and he was having lessons on them and practising on his ZX-81 at home until he upgraded to a Spectrum last Christmas. He is developing his programming skills and is learning machine code. On RUNning Labyrinth you will find yourself inside the entrance of a large maze, from which it is your object to escape. Three-dimensional views of the maze to north, south, east and west can be obtained at the press of a button. When you are completely lost, press "H" and a plan of the maze will be displayed briefly, but that option is avail- able only five times during your journey (16K Spectrum).