LES FLICS ========= Allo?, Ah ahm Unspecteur Cleudeau of the Surete and ah neu eggsactley weut yew are eup tew, beceuse that ees mei jeub. Ah neu yew are geuing tew trah en steal a gem steun in mei care ...... beut eet weel naught be eezee mei frend, eau neau, me and mei treusty servant Kaolin weel be tryin to steup yew. Not eaunly zat, beut Les Flics, the gend’armerie eunder mei commant weel be out en force, so, you foel, you ’ave neo chance aggenst Cleudeau...... You control that Pink character with the tail in your quest for the Purple Puma, a priceless gemstone, avoid the Police cars and enter the buildings, evading Gend’armerie Kaolin (disguised as a chef) and of course Cleudeau himself. Pick up the items as you find them, we leave you to find out what they do! Bon Chance .......................... Kempston Joystick Compatible Items to collect: Dagger Bag Spanner Knife & Fork Key Money Disguise Mask Diamond Instructions Avoid the police cars, policemen and Kaolin the Chef. Gather the objects and experiment to find out what they do. Your final objective is to steal the Purple Puma diamond for which you will need all of your wits (and possesions!). 1. Loading Instructions a) Full loading instructions are given in Chapter 20 of the Spectrum manual. To load LES FLICS: b) Connect the ear socket of the SPECTRUM to the ear socket of your tape player using the lead supplied with your SPECTRUM. c) Make sure the tape is fully rewound. d) Type LOAD"". e) Press ENTER. f) Start your tape player. g) Whilst the program is laoding, a title page will be displayed shouwing copyright details. When the title page changes the game has loaded. 2. Playing LES FLICS If you have a Kempston Joystick then load the side of the cassette labelled 'Joystick'. The keyboard side is also compatible with cursor control based joysticks. 5 - LEFT 6 - DOWN 7 - UP 8 - RIGHT 0 - PICK UP/ENTER/USE Encore une fois, bonne chance! All rights of the producer, and of the owner of the work being produced, are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher accepts no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use. (c) Copyright 1984 Personal Software Services Ltd.