MAYHEM ====== On your spaceship, a rather unpleasant person has decided to place a little NUCLEAR DEVICE. Just to add to the confusion, he’s thrown the digits for the combination in some of the 128 rooms on your ship. You had better find them fast, otherwise it’s a very long walk home. CONTROLS KEYBOARD or JOYSTICK Q-Up O-Left A-Down P-Right M-Fire H-Pause/Continue KEMPSTON INTERFACE SINCLAIR INTERFACE 2 CURSOR JOYSTICK LOAD "" Press Enter. Hints & Tips Dept. You won't be able to fire if you haven't found the gun. There are 4 decks, on each deck you will find a digit, all these must be collected and taken to the device, where the combination must be entered. PROGRAMMER PROFILE Name: Mark Incley Occupation: Programmer for Wise Owl Work in Progress: 'PILOT' - a fast moving shoot'em up and also designing a top secret blockbuster. ©1987 The Power House All rights reserved. No part of this program should be recorded, duplicated or transferred in any form onto any media without prior authorisation from the owner of the work. Hiring and lending the program is prohibited.