3D MAZE OF GOLD =============== The travelling fair is in town! It's star attraction is a maze crammed with gold. You win as much as you can find and escape with. But don't hang about or the gold may well be worthless, if and when you find the exit. The program uses machine code to provide full colour perspective views of a large labyrinth as you search for the gold. To LOAD and RUN '3D Maze of Gold' type:- LOAD "" CODE Press the PLAY key on the recorder and the ENTER key on the Spectrum. When it is loaded, the program will auto-run and provide full instructionson how to play the game. Program ®1982 T. Gilberts Artwork T. Greer ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNAUTHORISED COPYING, HIRING OR LENDING STRICTLY PROHIBITED GILSOFT 30 Hawthorn Road Barry South Glamorgan CF6 8LE