NINJA SPIRIT ============ Now is the time for you TSUKIKAGE, the spirit of the great white wolf, to take the form of the Ninja and slay the Evil One. The beasts in the bowels of the earth await you, with their cunning moves and lethal weapons. Dodge the devil spearsman who will stab you from underneath and leap the spine chilling Chinese plank to avoid those nasty ninjas! Choose carefully and wisely your arms, will the Samurai sword suffice, or maybe the Ninja Deathstar or even dynamite and the sharpest and deadliest of Jassoon blades! Collect the crystals which will give you ninja spirits that follow your every move and attack, extra energy or the chance to use the destructive rope of lire! Traverse the most treacherous of territories, over perilous boardwalks, across marshes and ropebridges then climb your way up the sheer rock face - dodging the poisonous gas as you go! Then with all the strength that you can muster, face the final battle with the dreaded Last Warlock!! LOADING INSTRUCTIONS COMMODORE AMIGA & ATARI ST Switch on computer and insert disc (on Amiga 1000 the 'kickstart' disc must first be used). COMMODORE C64 DISC Insert disc in drive. Type LOAD"*",8,1 and press RETURN. COMMODORE C64 CASSETTE Insert cassette in Datacorder. Hold down SHIFT and press RUN/STOP. COMMODORE C128 Type G064 and press RETURN. When prompted, type Y followed by RETURN. Now follow C64 instructions. SPECTRUM CASSETTE If available, use TAPE LOADER. Otherwise type LOAD"" then press ENTER. Press play on tape recorder. AMSTRAD CASSETTE Press CTRL and the small ENTER key. Press play on tape recorder. AMSTRAD DISC Insert disc in drive. Type RUN"DISC and press ENTER. LOADING DIFFICULTIES We are seeking to improve the quality of our product range, and have developed high standards of quality control to bring you this product. If you do experience and difficulties whilst loading, it is likely to be a fault other than the product itself. We therefore suggest that you switch the computer off and repeat the loading instructions carefully, checking that you are using the correct set of instructions for your computer and software. If you still have problems, consult the User Handbook that accompanied the computer or consult your Software Dealer for advise. In the case of continued difficulty, if you have checked all the hardware for possible faults, please return the game to THE PLACE OF PURCHASE. GAMEPLAY You, the spirit of a white wolf "TSUKIKAGE", have taken the form of a Ninja to battle the Evil One. Fight Ninja swordsmen, Samurais, giant Ninjas, mystical kitemen, wolves and Musketeers, before the final confrontation with the evil Warlock. Travel across perilous 'boardwalks', marshes and ropebridges, and climb the sheer rock face, avoiding poisonous gas. Make your way through treacherous caverns, but watch out for the lowering ceiling and boulders which pin you to the walls. Kill the special Ninjas who leave a 'spirit ball' in their place. Collect these to get extra spirits, who follow your every move and attack, extra power for your weapons, and extra weapons such as the deadly "fire-rope". CONTROLS All versions can be controlled using a joystick as follows: Without fire button depressed With fire button depressed JUMP UP/ JUMP FIRE UP & FIRE FIRE UP & LEFT JUMP RIGHT TO LEFT UP TO RIGHT \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \|/ \|/ LEFT ---*--- RIGHT FIRE ---*--- FIRE | LEFT | RIGHT | | | | CROUCH FIRE DOWN And/or the following Keyboard controls: ST/AMIGA/C64: SPACE WEAPON SELECT P PAUSE/UNPAUSE SPECTRUM/AMSTRAD Q UP/JUMP A DOWN/CROUCH O LEFT P RIGHT SPACE FIRE HOLDING DOWN THE FIRE KEY, PRESS DIRECTION KEY/KEYS TO FIRE IN THAT DIRECTION. ENTER WEAPON SELECT H PAUSE (ANY OTHER KEY TO UNPAUSE) [BREAK - ABORT GAME (WHILE IN PAUSE MODE) - SPECTRUM ONLY] CREDITS ST AMIGA Coding, Graphics and Music IMAGES DESIGN COMMODORE C64 Coding and Graphics CHRIS BUTLER Music MARTIN WALKER SPECTRUM/AMSTRAD Coding SPIDERSOFT Graphics FOCUS Music PAUL HILEY Produced by COLIN FUIDGE Tested by DAVE CUMMINS/DARREN LEE Instruction Manual by TERRY MORRIS A SOFTWARE STUDIOS PRODUCTION NINJA SPIRIT © 1988 IREM CORPORATION LICENSED TO ACTIVISION (UK) LIMITED.