OMEGA RUN ========= by Richard Brisbourne The ultimate war flight simulator with attacking fighters, ground-to-air missiles, anti aircraft fire and anti aircraft lasers. Full aircraft control with full navigation simulation and graphic combat. Amazing 3D machine code animation. Hardware Required. ZX SPECTRUM 48K Fanatical elements of the power we are at war with have seized control of a heavily defended complex containing the ultimate nuclear deterrent, a Doomsday device constructed to cause world wide devastation. The timer on this bomb has already been started and it is set to explode in twenty-tive minutes. You must pilot your fighter bomber to the building where the bomb is housed and destroy it. INSTRUCTIONS The enemy defences consist of: 1) Laser fields 2) Fighter Aircraft 3) Anti aircraft fire 4) Ground-to-air missiles You have insufficient fuel for the mission, so you must rendez-vous with a tanker for in flight refuelling. Kempson joystick and cursor key joystick compatible. If you do not have a joystick, the keys work as follows: 5) Bank left 6) Climb 7) Dive 8) Bank right 0) Fire and bomb release O) Freezes the game U) Restarts it You have these instruments: Clock - When it reaches 0, the bomb will explode. Compass. Target/tanker locator - keep the vertical line in the middle to stay on hit. Rear view screen for observing attacking fighters. Status gauges for fuel, ammunition and damages. You must rendez-vous with the tanker cruising at 200 feet by following the tanker until you are close enough to refuel. On refuelling, you must home in on the complex and score a direct hit at below 100 feet. THE OMEGA RUN © Computer Rentals Limited 1983 Artwork © Quality Communications All rights reserved. No part of this program should be recorded, duplicated or transfered in any form onto any media without prior authorization from the owners of the work. Hiring and lending of this program is prohibited unless written permission is given by Computer Rentals Ltd. This cassette is sold subject to the following conditions: Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, exchanging, public performance & broadcasting of the cassette is strictly prohibited. Made in U.K.