ORIENTAL GAMES ============== The crashing of bamboo shinai as the Kendo warriors do battle; Kung Fu masters turning inner strength to powerful punches amongst a flurry of scissor kicks; and the no holds barred brawling of the sport they tried to ban; Kyo-Kus-Hin-Kai These are the Oriental Games - the ultimate modern-day martial arts competition. The Oriental Games comprise three events - Kendo, Kung Fu & Kyo-Kus-Hin-Kai - combined into the supreme challenge of fighting skills. Winning an individual gold medal at novice level will take courage, skill and flare. Overall victory in the Oriental Games as a professional demands complete mastery of the martial arts. • Unique fully definable joystick editor allows you to fine tune your controls and build up sequences of moves (16-bit only). • Incorporates Kyo-Kus-Hin-Kai, the sport they tried to ban. • Three fight simulations in one game. (Sumo is included as a fourth event on Spectrum/Amstrad versions.) • Up to 16 players (Up to 4 players on Spectrum/ Amstrad versions). • Three levels of difficulty - Novice, Expert and Professional (16-bit only). • High quality digitised sound (16-bit only). • Intelligent computer opponents. • Full ratings system enables you to win medals and, ultimately, the Oriental Games Trophy. "When you have attained the way of strategy there will not be one thing which you do not understand." Miyamoto Mushasi, Japanese swordsman of the seventeenth century. Loading Instructions Load the game into your computer in one of the following ways; Spectrum Cassette Type LOAD "" and press ENTER. Please follow any on-screen prompts. Spectrum Disk Insert disk and select Loader. Please follow any on-screen prompts. Start-Up When the program has loaded, the Main Menu screen will be displayed, with four selectable options; 1. Number of Players 2. Enter Humble Name 3. Select Controls 4. Enter The Games The options are selected by pressing the relevant number on the keyboard. Number of Players Selecting this option allows you to input (via the numeric keys), the number of human players wishing to compete in the Oriental Games. Up to four players may enter. Pressing the 0 key returns you to the Main Menu. Enter Humble Name Selecting this option allows each player to input (via the keyboard) his or her name. Up to nine characters may be entered. If a player does not enter a name, he or she will be given a name by the computer. Select Controls Selecting this option allows each player to choose his or her preferred method of control and to define keys, in turn, via the following menu; 1. Define Keys 2. Kempston 3. See Controls 4. Next Player 0. Main Menu Firstly, Player 1 selects either Kempston joystick (2) or keyboard control (1). If keyboard control is selected, he may then define which key he wishes to use for each of the following commands; Left, Right, Up, Down and Fire. N.B. Only two players are allowed to select the Kempston joystick as their method of control. Once two players have selected the joystick, all other players must use keyboard control. Your method of control, and defined keys, should be checked by choosing See Controls (3). Once Player 1 has made his choices, selecting Next Player (4) will allow Player 2 to make his choices. Player 2 may select either Kempston joystick or keyboard control. N.B. If keyboard control is selected by more than one player, they must define different keys. No individual key may be selected by two players. Repeat the selection processes until every player has made his choice. ENTER THE ORIENTAL GAMES When every player has finished entering his name and control information, selecting "Enter the Oriental Games" (4), from the Main Menu starts the action! The sixteen competitors names for the first event are shown in draw order. Once you have pressed fire, the competitors in the first bout featuring a human fighter are told to get ready! The fighting display then appears, with the two combatants facing each other. Above the arena is an information display, indicating the players names and showing their portraits. Each player has a health bar and a score, and the points scored for each 'hit' are shown on the judges table in the fighting display. The bout is won by striking your opponent enough times to decrease his health bar to zero, or by scoring 1000 points. The first round bouts continue until all human players have fought. The bouts between computer controlled players are not shown. Once the first round is complete, the draw for the quarter-finals is displayed, and the tournament continues. If no human players remain in the competition, the computer will show the results and draw for the semi-final, and then the names of those in the final. When the tournament has been decided, the medals table is shown, indicating which fighters have won gold, silver and bronze medals. The next competition must then be loaded, and fought in the same way. When all the competitions have been fought, the overall medal winners in the Oriental Games will be declared. JOYSTICK MOVES KENDO WITHOUT FIRE WITH FIRE CROSS HIGH HEAD BAR JUMP PARRY TORNADO CLEAVER BLOW \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \|/ \|/ MOVE ---*--- MOVE TURN ---*--- CHEST BACKWARDS /|\ FORWARDs AROUND /|\ BLOW / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ JUMP DUCK LOW SKIMMER CUT STOMACH BACK PARRY THROAT BLOW KARATE WITHOUT FIRE WITH FIRE CHOP JUMP HIGH ROUND JUMP HIGH STICK GET UP LUNGE HOUSE KICK KICK \ | / PUNCH \ | / \ | / \ | / \|/ \|/ MOVE ---*--- MOVE TURN ---*--- MID BACKWARDS /|\ FORWARDS AROUND /|\ KICK / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ THE SWEEP BLOCK HEAD REVERSE REVERSE ELBOW /GRAB BUTT SWEEP PUNCH KUNG FU WITHOUT FIRE WITH FIRE FLYING BACK SCISSOR FORWARD ROUND JUMP HIGH SOMERSAULT KICK SOMERSAULT HOUSE KICK KICK \ | / \ | / \ | / \ | / \|/ \|/ JUMP ---*--- POUNCE TURN ---*--- MID BACK /|\ AROUND /|\ KICK / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ DOUBLE CROUCH DOUBLE BACK SWEEP LOW BACK FORWARDD FLIP KICK SOMERSAULT SOMERSAULT KICK SUMO WITHOUT FIRE WITH FIRE DODGE SLAP \ | / PUNCH \ | / \ | / \ | / \|/ \|/ WALK ---*--- WALK TURN ---*--- PUSH BACKWARDS /|\ FORWARDS /|\ / | \ / | \ / | \ / | \ DUCK GRAB © 1990 MicroProse Software Made in the U.K. Unit 1, Hampton Road Industrial Estate, Tetbury, Glos. GL9 8LD. 180 Lakefront Drive, Hunt Valley, MD-21030