OUT OF THIS WORLD ================= "SUDDENLY, the jet plunged into a sea of flashing lights - Chuck gasped with horror - he had entered the Other World..." FIGHT TO survive in a hostile alien world. Collect energy- giving power pods as you fly through eight action-packed levels, and seven brilliant bonus levels. Features seven different weapons. CONTROLS Joystick All movement and firing ENTER/RETURN Pause (also displays current weapon status on Amstrad) M Music on/off (not available on Spectrum 48) S Sound Effects on/off Joysticks supported on Spectrum: Kempston, Interface 2, Cursor. Keyboard commands (not available on C-64): UP Q or K DOWN A or M LEFT O or Z RIGHT P or X FIRE SPACE (or CAPS SHIFT on Spectrum) TO LOAD Spectrum - LOAD"" C-64 - LOAD "AS",8,1 Amstrad - RUN "AS "Captain, I don't have to remind you of the importance of this flight", bellowed Air Vice-Marshal Dirk Overshot from the other side of hanger. "I'm afraid you do sir, nobody has told me what it's all about", retorted Captain Chuck Harrison, "All I was told, sir, was to report to you at 0800 hours." "Your task, as our top test pilot, is to try out the new RP2-16, see what it can do, give it a spin. The most important aspect of the flight is to try out the new engines, they should take you to about nine tenths of the speed of light. You will fly faster than any man has flown before." "I see sir, what are the other features of the ship?" "Well, its brimming with weaponry if that's what you meant, but only the Quark Cannon can be used as all the other weapons won't have enough power, it's all being fed into the engines." After about an hour the briefing was over. They walked back into the hanger and Chuck climbed into the cockpit. Moments later he launched the craft into the dark emptyness of space. "RP2-16 to control, I'm about to try the new engines. I hope she holds together, over and out." He flipped the protective cover on the console and pressed the glowing red light below. The ship shuddered and then started to accelerate, pressing him into his seat. He reached 0.9 light speed and then levelled out. Flying at 0.9 he decided to try some manoeuvres. He cut the engines, flung the ship around and fired the cannon. The extra surge from the cannon pushed the ship faster and as the ship reached light speed all Harrison could see was colours and lights. He had entered the Other World. No sooner had he regained his senses than a formation of ships flew towards him. He realised that they were attacking him and he was going to have to fight or flee. He looked down at the console, the red engine light was now just a molten lump of plastic. Instinctively he fired the cannon at the approaching ships. As some of them disintegrated they dropped a small energy pod. One of these landed on the ship and much to Chucks surprise he noticed that one of his previously inactive weapon systems began to spring to life. He continued his battle and tried to pick up these pods. A light flashed up on his controls indicating that the 'Two Way Shot' was available. He wasted no time in selecting it and continued firing away at the never ending stream of enemies. PLAYING THE GAME You play the part of Chuck in the Other World. To complete a level you must force the enemy into surrender, only then will they let you exit. Simply shoot the enemy craft until the EXIT appears, then shoot that. After you complete a level (there are 8) you move onto the bonus screen. It's up to you to work out how to get through these. Only then will you move onto the next level. Your ship is equipped with the following weapons: Quark Cannon 2, 3, 4 and 7 way shots Wide Beam Laser Each weapon's power may be increased by collecting the appropriate pod (shown on the title page). When that weapon's power is fully charged the next pod of that type collected will activate it. To indicate that the next pod collected will trigger that weapon any pods of that colour on the screen will flash. As you fire, the energy levels decreases. When it reaches zero you revert back to the Quark Cannon. Also, for instance, if you are using the Wide Beam and collect the pod activating the 7 Way Shot then the Wide Beam will cut out and its energy will have to increase before it can be used again. The weapons become harder to charge as you progress in the game. There are two other types of pod. One of them is the Extra live and the other is a Speed increase. As with the weapons you have to collect a certain number of them before the effect takes place. CREDITS Design & instructions Bettertech Ltd Spectrum & Amstrad A. P. Cooper Commodore D. Etherington Graphics Graff-Teknix Audio Binary Sight and Sounds ©1987 Ariolasoft UK Ltd. Copyright subsists in this progrom recording. Unauthorised broadcasting, diffusion, public performance, copying or re-recording, hiring, leasing, renting or selling under any exchonge or repurchase scheme in any manner is prohibited.