THE PRIZE ========= Nobody told me about the Guardians of the maze, or the strange mysteries that shrouded it's existence. Sometimes you can taste fear, it tastes bitter like the juice of a lemon. I can taste it now. Somewhere in this death trap lies a fortune, that could set me up for life. My spaceship reaches hyper-charge, in a blaze of amber flames and with a mighty roar it thrusts towards the ultimate challenge. ARCADE are issuing a challenge, locate the innermost chamber of a massive maze and discover it's secret. If you are amongst the elite and uncover the secret then you could be in with a chance of winning up to £5,000. Just imagine what you could do with that: — A cruise around the world, your choice of the best computers available, even a car! You are in charge of a space ship fully armed with laser pulse torpedoes. Your mission to discover the mystery of the maze. Many people have tried, many people have failed. Some perish on the first level, their debris scattered throughout all eternity, whilst others fail on the very threshold of the chamber of Midas where the secret is held. Guardians are strewn throughout the maze and fall into three major categories: DEATH DRONES: Attack your ship and after your destruction they remain active. If you don't take the appropriate action this could result in the game ending. MUTANTS: These are Guardians that shoot at will and have no regard for self preservation. These can be killed and will advance your score by 100 points. Some are more easily shot than others, they all have their vunerable parts, it is up to you to discover them. Best strategy is to try and wear down their force fields. CRUSHERS: These are also potentially game ending obstacles. It is up to you to avoid them at all costs. These Crushers have a magnetic field, so beware. On each level of the maze there are energy bases. These give you the required energy to become immune to the effects of the Guardians, a very useful feature. Once activated, a random time immunity factor is shown on screen. The ship also glows so there is no mistaking its current condition. In this period you can either destroy mutants or search for code pods to aid your movement to the next level. To progress to other levels you must collect code pods in numerical" order, code 5 is the transporter base. Look out for extra lives scattered throughout the maze. On level 4 you are confronted with a special code, all you have to do is take a photograph of this screen and fill in the coupon provided on the insert, then send it to us. CONTROLS Cursor keys for directional movement and "0" (Zero) to fire JOYSTICKS Works with AGF TYPE i.e. PROTEK ALSO KEMPSTON AND QUICKSHOT JOYSTICKS. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Ensure tape is completely rewound. Connect ear socket on recorder to ear socket on computer. Type in load "" (this is done by first pressing the "J" key and then to get speach marks hold the symbol shift key down and at the same time press the letter "P" twice) Set vol to about 1/2 way. Set tone to max. Press "ENTER" then wait. If unsuccessful try again with different volume setting. WARNING: ANY UNAUTHORISED COPYING, HIRING, LENDING OR PUBLIC BROADCASTING OF THE CASSETTE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Look out for these other high quality ARCADE games: GRID RUN/PONTOON "Best version of this game yet" C. Smith. RAIDER OF THE CURSED MINE "Original and fun to play .... Not only is ARCADE dexterity needed but a degree of strategy is also involved" Games Computing. LAST SUNSET FOR LATTICA "An exciting action packed game that could well prove addictive" Sinclair User. THE DETECTIVE "Tricky and highly entertaining" Personal Computing News. BUBBLE TROUBLE "A fun game for all ages which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was noticeable that my young expert had to be dragged away" Home computing Weekly. ARCADE SOFTWARE LTD Technology House 32 Chislehurst Road Orpington, Kent. Tel: Orpington 35639