ROAD RACER ========== By Graham Wisdom The flag is lowered, you jab the accelerator and the race begins. Overtaking first one car ana then another, you vie for position and try to out-manoeuvre the others. But it's not that easy! Can you maintain the lead and win the trophy? Number of players: 1 Joystick (Sinclair or Kempston) or keyboard control Cassette INTRODUCTION The roar of the engine and the rush of the wind rise above the cheers of the crowd as you accelerate down the race track. Overtaking first one car and then another, your pulse beats faster and the tension begins to mount. You pass the next car and victory seems at hand. But it's not that easy - there's someone on your tail, trying to overtake. They won't get by if you can help it! Screeching round corners and flying along the straight, you vie for position and constantly try to out manoeuvre the others. The end of the race is near, but there are more cars ahead. Can you still take the lead and win the trophy? GETTING STARTED 1) Before switching on the Spectrum, connect the joystick (Sinclair or Kempston) if this is to be used. 2) Connect the television to the computer and switch the television ON. 3) Connect the cassette recorder to the computer and switch the cassette recorder ON. 4) Place the ROAD RACER cassette in the recorder and rewind to the beginning. 5) Check that the EAR lead is connected correctly and that the volume level of the cassette recorder is set correctly. 6) Type LOAD"" (do not leave a space between the quotes), then press ENTER. 7) Press PLAY on the tape recorder. 8) When the program has finished loading (see the Howto Play section), press STOP on the cassette recorder). 9) If the program does not load successfully, try adjusting the volume setting of the tape recorder & repeat the above from step 3. If the problem persists, refer to chapter 6 of the Spectrum Introduction manual. HOW TO PLAY 1) Once the initial program has loaded, the title will appearon the screen. This will remain on display while the main program is loading (about2minutes). 2) When the gome is fully loaded, a message will appear on the screen asking you to select the method of controlling the car. In response to this, you must press one of the following keys: K for the KEMPSTON joystick J for the SINCLAIR joystick RETURN to use the keyboard 3) You can now press S to start the game. Your car will appear at the bottom of the screen and can be controlled with the joystick or the keyboard as follows: JOYSTICK Left and Right = move the car left and right Forwards and Backwards = accelerate and decelerate Fire button and Backwards together = select LOW gear Fire button and Forwards together = select HIGH gear KEYBOARD 6 and 7 = left and right 8 and 9 = decelerate and accelerate 1 = select LOW gear 2 = select FIIGFI gear THE DISPLAY 1) The number of spare cars you have left is shown at the top left of the screen. On the right at the top, the number of flags indicates how many races you have completed. Up to 10 flags can be displayed at any one time, but on completing the 11th race only 1 flag will be shown. 2) Below the road, on the left, is the tachometer, which shows your engine speed. This is divided into 14 sections, 12 white, 1 orange and 1 red. The highlighted section gives the tachometer reading. 3) Below the road, on the right, is the speedometer, which is also divided into 14 sections. 4) At the bottom of the screen, you will see the LOW/HIGH gear indicator, the milometer, your score and the time into the race. THE RULES 1) The flag goes down, you jab the accelerator and the race begins. You must get to the end of the track before the other cars if you are going to win the trophy. 2) As you drive along the track, you must overtake the cars in front to score points. The faster you're going when you overtake, the higher the score you will be awarded. 3) It is impossible to reach a high enough speed for overtaking when you're in LOW gear. It is also impossible to accelerate in HIGH gear until the speedometer has reached section 3. 4) Watch the tachometer when you are changing gear. You may safely change gear from HIGH to LOW when the indicator is in the first 12 (white) sections. Above this, when the orange or red section is highlighted, changing from HIGH to LOW will overrev the engine and cause it to blow up. And if you continue to drive for any length of time with top (red) section indicated, you will again over-rev the engine. 5) If you blow up the engine or crash, you rear will be written off and you will lose a life. When this happens, if you have anymore cars left, you will get a new car and continue with the race. 6) If you succeed in completing the race, you will be awarded a bonus car (up to a total of 9 spares) and begin the race on a more difficult track. 7) When you have lost all your cars, the game will end. WARNING: ALL RIGHTS OF THE PRODUCER AND THE OWNER OF THE WORK REPRODUCED RESERVED. UNAUTHORIZED COPYING, HIRING, LENDING, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE, RADIO OR TV BROADCASTING OR DIFFUSION OF THIS CASSETTE PROHIBITED. ® THORN EMI Video Limited 1983 © THORN EMI Video Limited 1983 Manufactured in the UK