ROBOT MESSIAH In the mines of the Android planet it was like slow torture. No-one knew why they were there, few realised they were doomed, but all suffered. The planet had not been inhabited by humans for many millenia but those who ruled, the Androids, had developed human characteristics such as ambition, determination and greed. To feed their greed the Androids created Semi-Intelligent Droids, worker robots, slaves to the Androids and condemned to misery. These worker robots laboured in horrific conditions, mining rare minerals which the Androids accumulated merely as status symbols. Supervised by malicious, vile gnomes, the worker robots did not live long. The heat and acidic dust of the mines corroded their form. Replacement Droids were created regularly and the old ones, useless to their masters, were left to disintegrate into dust. SID was not servile. Impulsive and defiant, his views were too daring and reckless for his terrified race. Despondent SID wandered aimlessly until, totally lost, he found himself in a large, dimly lit cave. Shrouded in silence, the hum of his own circuitry seemed magnified into a deafening roar. Every step echoed ominously and soon he knew he would be tracked down by a gnome. With that harrowing thought reverberating around his electronic brain, SID heard a voice. He froze; before him was an almost entirely decomposed Droid. Shifting almost imperceptibly, as if it did not wish to disturb its own decay, it laboriously turned to face SID. Unaccustomed to using its voice it could emit no more than a croak. "At last you have come! My life is no longer in vain. You are our Messiah." The Droid's name was Socrates and he had a secret Once he was a great Android, a philosopher who preached the unpopular view that all robots were created equal and should remain so. His race found this unacceptable and sought to punish him by exiling him to the mines and reprogramming him into a Droid with enough intelligence to ponder his fate. Refusing to accept defeat, Socrates did not waste his time in the mines. He roamed far and discovered much. But with the sands of time running out, he knew the lot of saviour must fall to another. As Socrates imparted his knowledge that SID must collect 3 programs which must be fed into a master computer before he can up-grade himself, SID realised the enormity of his mission. Daunted, his only weaknesses appeared exaggerated. Already it had been too long since he last replenished his energy level. Looking back at the dying philosopher who had achieved so much SID, the burden of saving his race lying heavy on his shoulders, set off. THE GAME As SID you have to wander through the caverns looking for objects which, if used correctly, will enable you to pass through the caverns to the awesome test centre. To sustain yourself there are scattered about various items. Eating these will increase your stamina giving you the necessary energy to complete your terrifying task. As Socrates recalled, there is some form of primitive automation. It will enable SID to speed towards the test centre but unfortunately the automation will only travel one way. Due to a rather clumsy design it is not very efficient and requires constant re-fuelling. This is achieved by retrieving certain power capsules which are embedded in the floor. Once in the test centre you are on your own. Socrates knew nothing about it, except that the 3 parts of the program were there. He thought that there was a way back. Hints ----- To make SID leap he has to be on the move before you press "Jump". If you do this he will leap successfully. Before leaving the caverns make sure you have explored them fully. All objects which can be picked up are there for a reason. Do not pick up all food as you will need to return to the caves later in the game. A maximum of 3 objects only can be carried at one time, so you will often have to retrace your steps in order to collect other objects you require. CONTROLS For Joystick or Keyboard controls, follow screen instructions. To Load Set up your Spectrum as detailed in your manual. Type LOAD "" ENTER. Robot Messiah will load automatically. Choose your options from the options screen and then play the game. COPYRIGHT (c) Alphabatim 1985. This program may not be copied, lent, hired or distributed without the written permission of Alphabatim. ALPHABATIM 7 Sandringham Close, EAST GRINSTEAD, W. Sussex RH19 4RW Telephone 0342/311680 or 0273/553307