SHUTTLE SHOCK ============= Left = Caps shift Right = Z Teleport = Break Space Music on/off = M Izquierda = Caps Shift Derecha = Z Telepuerta = Tome espacio Música ON/OFF = M Links = Umschalter Rechts = Z Teleport = Trennung, Leertaste Musik ein/aus = M Sinistra = Tasto Maiuscole Destra = Z Teleport = Spazio Interruzione Musica On/Off = M Gauche = Touche Majuscules Droite = Z Teleport = Espace d'interruption Musique On/Off = M SHUTTLE SHOCK Copyright 1984 by Software Supersavers Ltd. Unauthorised copying, lending, hiring, public broadcasting, transmission or distribution is prohibited without express permission of Software Supersavers Ltd. SHUTTLE SHOCK may not be hired or offered for sale on any optional buy back basis without prior written consent of Software Supersavers Ltd. All rights of the Author are reserved worldwide.