SIDEWINDER II ============= It is 27 years since the final battle of the war with the aliens. 27 years of peace have reigned in the Western Spiral Arm of the Galaxy. All this is about to change. INITIAL BRIEFING Long range detectors are sensing a huge mass approaching from the direction of the aliens homeworld. Initial reports from remote scouts indicate it to be a massive battle station, many times larger than the "Star Killer", the ship you destroyed 27 years ago in the mission that brought peace. The "Sidewinder" mission. Computer selection, after many considerations, has chosen you as the only possible candidate for the second Sidewinder mission. The mission will begin when we have obtained more data. End of initial briefing. BRIEFING UPDATE Covert intelligence report a possible weak point has been found: Access to the alien battle station is via a tunnel used to vent any excess energy. Lining the tunnel are defensive positions which may be destroyed. There are also a large number of venting doors. These automatically open and close and cannot be destroyed. They must be avoided. Finally, maintenance and defence drones patrol the ducts watching for faults and space scavengers. To help you, extra weaponry will be 'ported' in so you must watch out for these and collect them. The extra weaponry includes lasers and multi shots. This 'bolt-on' capability can, should the pilot choose carefully, increase the fire power of your vessel tenfold. BRIEFING ENDS... LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Type LOAD"" and press ENTER. Keys redefinable or use Kempston, Sinclair or Cursor compatible joystick. A MEMBER Of THE VIRGIN MASTERTRONIC GROUP OF COMPANIES The program code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Mastertronic and may not be reproduced, stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the permission of Mastertronic. All right reserved. © Mastertronic Limited 1989 Made in Great Britain