ARTIC COMPUTING LIMITED MAIN ST., BRANDESBURTON DRIFFIELD YO25 8RL SNAKE GENERAL LOADING AND RUNNING INSTRUCTIONS 1 Assemble the cassette tape at the silent part before the program. 2 Connect the EAR socket on the SPECTRUM to the EAR or LOUD-SPEAKER socket on your cassette recorder. 3 Adjust the volume of the cassette recorder to 3/4 maximum and the tone controls to maximum treble and minimum bass. 4 Press LOAD "" Do not press ENTER yet. 5 Start the cassette recorder and now press ENTER. SNAKE You must direct Sid, your snake, to eat the flies and bugs, but beware of the mushrooms - they are deadly. His tail grows all the time. You must prevent him from eating his tail and colliding with walls. Full instructions provided within the program.