SNAKE PIT Commodore 64, VIC 20, Spectrum 16K, and BBC "B" A two phase game for one player. You are in control of a grinning gobbler and using this you must outwit the menacing snakes which wriggle and twist around the screen, forming an endlessly changing dynamic maze. At the start of the game, the screen is filled with tiny eggs. The snakes are in separate boxes. Your gobbler begins in the bottom right-hand corner of all computers except BBC when he is in the lower middle of the screen. INSTRUCTIONS The game operates on all the above machines regardless of extra RAM. 1. Ensure appropriate tape side is upwards and fully rewound. 2. On Commodore 64, keeping the SHIFT key depressed, press the RUN/STOP key. Press PLAY on the cassette deck. The screen will be empty. Wait for second stage of loading when game has initially been found and when READY enter RUN/RETURN. On VIC 20, keeping the SHIFT key de-pressed, press the RUN/STOP key. Press PLAY on cassette deck. When the title page appears on screen, enter RUN/RETURN. On Spectrum type LOAD "" ENTER. Press PLAY on cassette deck. Enter S to start. On BBC type CHAIN "" RETURN. Press PLAY on cassette deck. Game starts automatically. 3. If the game does not load properly repeat loading and alter the volume control. Ensure the cassette player is turned off when the game starts and after playing this game, it is advisable to switch your computer off and then on again before loading another program. To start or restart the game simply press S. Phase One The following rules govern the actions of the gobbler and the snakes:- 1. The gobbler can eat eggs, gaining 10 points for each egg eaten. 2. No snake (except the red one) can eat eggs or move on top of an egg. At the beginning of the game they are trapped in their stating positions by walls of eggs. 3. The red snake does eat eggs and as the game continues, it releases the other snakes by eating the walls of eggs that surround them. 4. All of the snakes can eat the gobbler. 5. No snake can cross over another snake, but a snake can cross over itself. 6. The gobbler cannot move on top of or cross over a snake nor can it eat a snake. 7. When all the eggs have been eaten, the game speeds up and phase two begins. Phase Two 1. The same rules of movement apply and the snakes can still eat the gobbler but now the gobbler has its chance of revenge - it can eat the snakes! 2. To eat a snake, the gobbler must move onto its tail. When it does so, it automatically chomps its way along the whole snake, ending up at the head. 200 points are gained for each snake. 3. When all the snakes have been eaten, the game waits for you to press "S". When you do so, it goes back to phase one and a fresh screen of eggs but with the new higher speed of phase two. CONTROLS If your gobbler has been eaten, you can start a new game by pressing "S". The same key enables you to continue once phase two is over The gobbler controls are as follows:- ACTION KEY CONTROL Joystick controls ------ ----------- ----------------- CBM 64 VIC 20 BBC Spectrum CBM 64 MOVE LEFT < < Z Q Left MOVE RIGHT > > X W Right MOVE UP F5 F5 P Up MOVE DOWN F7 F7 L Down SCORING The score for the current game is shown at the top left of the screen. The highest score since switch-on is shown at the top right hand of the screen. If you would like to receive details of other computer programs which are available please write to:- Postern Limited PO Box 2, Andoversford, Cheltenham, Glos GL54 5SW. England. Why not test your skill with some of the other games in the fabulous Postern range. SIEGE Repel the marauding Invaders as they attempt to scale the castle walls. Many baffle-scarred veterans have failed in the attempt! SHADOWFAX Ride the mighty Shadowfax in the war against the dark forces of Morder Use your bolts of lightning to destroy the enemy — but beware — their touch is death! FIRE HAWKS Red alert, the ravenous energy consuming Fire Hawks will hover and attack. You have only your laser bolts and plasma screens to protect you. 3 DEEP SPACE The worlds first true 3D stereoscopic game. Save our planet from destruction as alien forces seek to enter the stargate. The colourful Postern range is available on a variety of micros. Write quantity of each game required in the boxes provided. Please rush me: Spectrum C64/Vic20 BBC 'B' Snake Pit £6.95 ___ ___ ___ Siege £6.95 ___ ___ ___ Shadowfax £6.95 ___ ___ ___ Fire Hawks £6.95 ___ ___ 3 Deep Space £7.95 ___ ___ ___ Total £ ________________________________ or Access No. __________________________ Name ___________________________________ Address ________________________________ ________________________________________ POST TO: Postem Ltd., P.O. Box 2, Andoversford, Cheltenham, Glos GL54 5SW. OR PHONE: Northleach (04516) 666 Telex 43269 Prestel 37745 Postern is always on the look out for any new games you might have developed.