SNOBALL IN HELL =============== Hell is the testing ground for Earth's military forces. Although equipment is extrensively tested by experienced test pilots and drivers, the real test of man and machine is when both are facing the ultimate penalty for failure...death. Thus, the standard punishment for indiscipline became posting to Hell as a 'Terminal Tester'. The latest machine for testing is the 'Snoball Battle Tractor' and you are the driver. LOADING To load, press LOAD"". Press PLAY on your cassette recorder. The programme will now load automatically. (Theprogramme is recorded on both sides of the tape. In case of difficulty, turn the tape over, rewind to the beginning and load again.) CONTROLS Whilst on the start screen, press C key to define your own controls (including joystick options). The default keys are: Q = Up, A = Down, SPACE = Fire & X = Pause. From paused game press FIRE to RESTART or Q to start new game. GAME You are under constant attack from wave after wave of hostile aliens as you attempt to clear the 16 different combat zones with your top secret 'Snoball' battle tractor. If you lose control of the 'Snoball' missile, or if the battle tractor is struck by an alien, you lose one of your 5 lives. If you succeed in clearing the current zone you progress to the next conflict where you will face an alien attack of even greater ferocity. There are BONUSES to HELP YOU (extra points, slower missile speed, auto-rebound, shield, extra life or 'Proceed to next level') and ANTI-BONUSES to HINDER YOU (lose points, slow fire rate, start attack wave, lose a life or re-start level). Which is which? That is for you to discover. This programme and artwork are the copyright of Atlantis Software Limited. Copying, hiring, lending or public performance is prohibited. If you have written a good programme and would like to discuss marketing, please write to: Atlantis Software Limited 28 Station Road, London SE25 5AG