SUN STAR ======== DESIGNED BY GLENN CASSIM Early in the 21st century the Xxarion Star Corporation placed its first solar energy grid in orbit around the sun. The grid utilised the suns energy to create special energy crystals that allowed travel through space at the speed of light It was not long before a total of sixteen energy grids were in orbit around the suns of the star systems throughout the galaxy. Unfortunately now at the dawn of the 22nd century due to build up of unstable disruptive energy pulses, it has become impossible for normal supply craft to collect the energy crystals from any of the orbital grids. To recover as many crystals from the grids as possible a supply craft has been totally redesigned, giving it awesome speed and extraordinary fire power. This craft is called the Sun Star. You have been chosen to fly it. A joystick should be used. When the pulsating 3D colour display comes up you may press the space bar to change the 3D grid colour if desired. Your Mission: You must collect as much crystal energy from the grids as possible. Firing at one of the four disrupter pulses (white) until its energy runs out will cause it to jump to another part of the grid, leaving behind a moving energy crystal (green). Pass over the crystal to collect it before its energy runs out and causes a burn up of the crystals you have collected. Then head for another disrupter until you have collected a full complement of ten crystals. You should then pass through the revolving warp gate and fire a laser bolt into the hyperwarp cell (orange) to initiate a warp to the next grid. To fill up your craft's energy banks you may pass through the hyperwarp cell, although this process burns up one of your onboard crystals and can only be done a limited number of times. You must avoid the grid wall (blue), obstruction pulses (yellow) and energy pulses (red -occasionally left by a moving crystal). Your craft's controls: To turn move the joystick right or left as desired. Move the stick forward and backward to control the speed. The joystick fire button will fire laser bolts. Screen instrumentation: Use the overall grid scanner to pinpoint your position (yellow square) on the grid, the short range scanner for nearby targets, especially those behind you, and the frontal 3D display when in hot pursuit. The status information shows energy bank status, the number of crystals collected on this grid, your craft's tracking condition, the level of the current energy bank and warp base energy, and shows overall crystal energy collected as well as the highest previous performance. Tracking of the crystal or the last disrupter fired at will appear at the top of the 3D display. It shows the offset left, centre and right to the object and its energy. Green markers round the left number indicates off to the left and vice versa for the right. Markers around the centre number indicates the object is in front, else it is behind. Computer messages will also be shown here, signalled by a message alarm. An alarm is also sounded when your energy is low. Hints on play: Watch you speed and don't get too trigger happy. Both could waste valuable energy. Note that only the 3D scanner can display red energy pulses, so keep your eyes open when chasing closely behind a crystal. The best method of getting through the revolving warp gate is to go round in the opposite direction of the gate. Remember that if you do not collect the crystal before its energy runs out, the crystals you have just collected will burn up. Also remember that crystals may pass through anything; you cannot. Above all, don't panic, get to know the layout of the grids and give 'em hell. CRL Group PLC, CRL House, 9 Kings Yard, Carpenters Road, London E15 2HD. If this software is defective in any way please return to CRL for an immediate replacement. This software is sold subject to the following conditions: Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, exchanging, public performance and broadcasting of the software is strictly prohibited. Made in UK