TAU CETI - THE SPECIAL EDITION ============================== Written by Pete Cooke and Chris Newcombe In 2050 the first wave of colonists left Earth for the nearby Solar system of Tau Ceti, as the first wave of man's great adventure. On the inhospitable desert world of Tau Ceti III a new life began. In ninety years thirty great cities were built, until without warning a great plague decimated the new world. The remaining desperate colonists were evacuated and in time a cure was found. An expedition force was dispatched and then destroyed by the now malfunctioning defence systems. The only way to incapacitate the automatic defenders was to shut down the massive fusion reactor that fueled the planet. It was decided that a single highly skilled pilot in an armed ground skimmer might succeed where fifty would surely fail. Like a fool you volunteered. TAU CETI! After the void of space the colonists return to Tau Ceti. After the great plague the time has come to start life afresh on the deserted planet. One pilot has been chosen to make the planet safe again. ...... You. The commands available are given below along with a short description. HELP: Lists commands as below. LAUNCH: Normally ground mode is only active when you are docked. Launch will send the skimmer out onto the planets surface and activate flight mode. MAP: The computer will display a map of the planet showing information about the cities. Use Left, Right, Up, Down and Fire keys to move the cursor over the map and fire to select a function. RODS: This will allow you to assemble cooling rods found throughout your mission. REACTOR: When docked with the Main Central Reactor on Centralis will give you access to the reactor room. LOOK: Shows a view inside the building. Also any object of use there. WAIT: Waits 5 Earth minutes (about 1/12 of a Ceten "spin"). STATUS: Gives a damage and progress report (also available in flight). EQUIP: Allows access to a building repair, refuelling and rearming facilities (if any). NAME: Use at the start of the game to give the computer a pilot's name. PAD: An on-screen note pad. Allows you to make notes of progress, etc. NEW PAD: Selects a fresh page in the note pad. SAVE: Saves game to tape. LOAD: Loads a game from tape. KEYS: Allows you to totally redefine the single key commands in flight mode. QUIT: Abandons a game. SCORE: Gives a rating of your progress so far. PAUSE: Freezes the game (fire restarts). DIR: Directory of Disc information access. TIME VAULT: Access to vault. INVENTORY: Inventory. Exploration of the planet is carried out in F LIGHT MODE. When first loaded the following keys are used (but you may redefine any or al I of these for your own preference / Kempston or cursor joystick, etc.). Left O Right P Increase thrust S Decrease thrust X Fire laser Space Fire missiles M Fire flare F Fire AMM A Change view V Status report R Infra red on/off I Increase height H Decrease height G Jump (if near jump pad) J Land L Pause ESCAPE (Fire restarts) CRL Group PLC, CRL House, 9 Kings Yard, Carpenters Road, London E15 2HD. © CRL Group 1986 If this software is detective in any way please return to CRL for an immediate replacement. This software is sold subject to the following conditions: Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, exchanging, public performance & broadcasting of the software is strictly prohibited. Made in U.K.