XAVIOR ====== You are the last survivor, you are XAVIOR. Your awesome task is to save your race from extinction. Deep beneath the desolate surface of your ancestral home you begin your guest. Scattered about a vast subterranean complex are the constituent sections of DNA, which, when assembled, form the vital chain that enables your people to thrive once more. You must explore this complex to locate and collect the DNA. However, the complex is not without defence against intruders. Apparitions, formed from pure energy into a myriad of strange guises, inhabit the complex. Contact with them proves fatal. However, you still have three clones into which your consciousness may be transfer red. You will also find orbs strewn about the complex, you must discover their secrets. Each room has sealed energy doors which must be neutralised before you may pass. On collection of the final piece of DNA the genetic chamber has its doors revealed. You must enter and rid the chamber of apparitions, only then will your race be saved. Features: * 4096 rooms * 256 different creatures each with smooth flicker free animation * Currah micro speech compatible * Fully animated XAVIOR * Compatible with all common joysticks * Demonstration mode * High score table THE STORY The gigantic space cruiser settled like a feather, disturbing only a few wisps of dust as it dropped the last few centimetres of its multi million mile voyage. Inside XAVIOR stood at the viziport and regarded the parched landscape through great, liquid eyes. He was seized with a trembling dread as the enormity of his task once more became apparent. His resolve began to crumble, should he climb back onto his crash couch and return to the stars? Then he remembered his fate should he fail. As the last remaining member of the Galaxy encompassing race whose name he now bore, he would be doomed to be alone as long as he lived. Better to teminate trying, he thought as he donned his bioisolation hood. XAVIOR was totally unprepared for the searing heat as the elevator door opened on the surface of the planet that had nurtured his forefathers. It had once been a garden, lush with cool green glades, rippling pools and shady clumps of giant fern. Now it was an arid desolate place, every drop of water had long since been boiled into space by the huge baleful ruddy sun which hung in an azure sky unbroken by cloud, undisturbed by movement. It was almost noon as XAVIOR scanned the horizon; his eyes strained, hoping to catch a glimpse of that which he sought. There was no sign of anything lizard made in that desolate landscape, and in a state of utter dejection, he turned to make his way back to the cruiser in order to recheck his scanner readings. A light breeze had blown up from nowhere and was disconsolately whipping the dusty ground into small swirling dust devils. As XAVIOR trudged back towards his ship the breeze quickened, lifting heavier sand grains into the arid air. A flash of verdant green and blue caught XAVIOR's eye, and he struck out towards these alien colours, his hearts pounding; could this be the end of his search? The answer came before XAVIOR had reached his goal; a small tremor shook the ground as, in answer to the Silurians presence, the sand dune concealing the colours he had seen began to rise imperceptibly. Sand fell away as bright tube like crystals forced their way skywards, the rainbow hues dazzled XAVIOR as he stood in awe. He was the first visitor to the Complex in a hundred thousand ages. The crystals grew at an increasing pace until they had formed an unmistakeable hexagonal doorway. XAVIOR waited until, with a final shudder, the crystals lapsed into silent inactivity. He paused a little longer, the genes he needed to regenerate his entire race were within, this he had learned from his Father as he lay dying. His Father had also warned him of the dangers presented by the automatic defence system, designed to prevent unauthorised penetration of the Complex. He almost hurried back to the safety of the cruiser, but advanced and pressed his webbed fingers to the entrance touch plate. The door slid quietly into its recess, and XAVIOR stepped inside. No sooner had his eyes grown accustomed to the dim light, than thedoor closed silently behind him, and XAVIOR realized with rising panic that he was descending at break neck speed. After a few moments, the elevator decelerated rapidly, and the far wall dissolved to reveal a room beyond dimly lit by a blue glow. It took XAVIOR no more than a second to recognise the source of the glow. An ORB! The memory of his Fathers words returned to him. The source of the XAVIOR's power, the Orb would provide him with a defence against the Apparitions and enable him to neutralize the energy doors in the labyrinthine Complex. Filled with a new confidence, he stepped into the room, and was startled when the crystalline walls burst forth with brilliant light at the touch of his foot. The warm spectral light filled him with courage, and he crossed the room and lifted the Orb from its stand. XAVIOR immediatly felt raw energy tingle through every sinew, he felt invincible. He paused at the first door, he would have to plan carefully, map his progress and conserve his use of the precious energy Orbs. His Father's last words returned to him . .. FARE THEE WELL, XAVIOR YOU are that last survivor, you ARE XAVIOR. Your awesome task is to save your race from extinction. Deep beneath the desolate surface of your ancestral home you begin your quest. Scattered about a vast subterranean complex are the constituent sections of DNA, which when assembled, form the vital chain that enables your people to thrive once more. You must explore this complex to locate and collect the DNA. However the complex is not without defence against intruders. Apparitions, formed from pure energy into a myraid of strange guises, inhabit the complex. Contact with them proves fatal. However, you still have three clones into which your consciousness may be transferred. You will also find orbs strewn about the complex, you must discover their secrets. Each room has sealed energy doors which must be neutralised before you may pass. On collection of the final piece of DNA the genetic chamber has its doors revealed. You must enter and rid the chamber of apparitions, only then will your race be saved. XAVIOR - THE MENU The starting menu allows you to define the control keys according to your requirements. The game is therefore compatible with any keyboard operated joysticks. Refer to your joystick manual for the keys required. This menu also allows you to use KEMPSTON compatible joysticks, select this by typing option 7. Option 1 will reselect the keyboard. Options 2 to 6 allow you to choose the keys you are going to use, simply type the option number, followed by the key you want to use. Option 0 will start you on your quest. Pressing SHIFT/BREAK will return you to the menu, even during a game. XAVIOR - THE GAME Fight your way through 4096 (yes — over FOUR THOUSAND) action packed rooms, collecting XAVIOR'S genetic memory. Avoid the 256 different monsters on the way to the gene room. Marvel at the irrede-scent crystalline structures that form the fabric of the complex and unravel the mysteries of the XAVIOR numbering and co-ordinate system to reach the final room where regeneration of your species will take place. XAVIOR - THE SCORING You score 1 point for each Apparition you purge, and 100 points for each DNA fragment you collect. You gain a bonus clone each time you collect 10 DNA fragments, but only if you have less than 3 spare clones. XAVIOR - THE STRATEGY 1. ORB conservation is vital. Without energy you will be unable to open doors or fight off aliens, but equally you should resist the temptation to pick up ORBs before your energy is depleted. 2. When you discover a successful strategy for dealing with a room, remember it — it will save clones in future games. 3. Keep a map of your progress through the complex as you will often have to double back to retrieve ORBs and DNA. The XAVIOR co-ordinate system will aid you in this task. 4. When you first enter a room the defence system will be slow to react — subsequent response will be swift. 5. Each position on the DNA matrix corresponds to a block of 16 rooms in the Complex. This can help you find the approximate location of any DNA fragments you have left to find. XAVIOR - TO LOAD 1. Reset your computer. 2. If you are using a Cur rah micro speech then type LET keys = 0 and enter. 3. Ensure the tape is fully rewound. 4. Type LOAD "" and ENTER. 5. Start the tape. The accelerated load takes only a few minutes after which the game will automatically begin. Features * 4096 rooms * 256 different creatures each with smooth flicker free animation. * 32 incredible room designs. * Currah micro speech * Fully animated XAVIOR * Bonus lives * Compatible with all common joysticks. * Sound * Power level indication * Creatures increase in intelligence as you near the genetic chamber. * Demonstration Mode * High score Table (c) MCMLXXXIV PSS All rights of the producer, and of the owner of the work being produced, are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher accepts no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use.