THE ATLAS ASSIGNMENT ==================== TEXT ADVENTURE GAME WHICH INCLUDES THREE ARCADE GAMES By Martyn Davies A top class criminal has stolen the complete American nuclear defence plans. Clearly he holds the fate of the world in his hands. The man is called Atlas. To catch Atlas and retrieve the plans, an agfent of the highest level is needed. Do you fit the bill? Use your cunning and skill to find the thief, but beware, there are three actual shootouts to win on the way. Instructions TO LOAD: LOAD "" CODE ENTER This is a text adventure which features three arcade type games. The on-screen instructions say that if you wish to undertake this assignment you should refer to the training manual printed on the inlay card. The training manual is shown below. PLAYING THE GAME The game features many standard adventure commands, e.g. N, S, E, W (which can be performed by pressing the cursor keys 5, 6, 7, 8. This is quicker because 'ENTER' need not then be pressed). OTHER COMMANDS INCLUDE: R = REPEATS LOCATION DESCRIPTION TAKE = WILL TAKE AN OBJECT DROP = DROPS IT I = GIVES AN INVENTORY OF COLLECTED OBJECTS QUIT = STOPS THE GAME AND RESTARTS SAVE = WILL SAVE THE GAME POSITION TO TAPE LOAD = LOADS IT BACK AGAIN EXAMINE = EXAMINES AN OBJECT COPY = COPIES ANY SCREEN TO THE ZX PRINTER (Saves making notes). There are of course many other commands which are to be discovered by the player in the course of the game. All of the arcade games have their instructions printed on to the screen before they start. Martyn Charles Davis - born 1965, Longfield, Kent - moved to Loughborough 15 years ago. Studying Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English Literature 'A' levels and planning to study medicine at university but is now working on a series of adventure programs. Started serious computing in 1981 with a ZX81. Games likes include Backgammon and Chess. Hobbies, apart from computing, are book collecting and playing the guitar. Musical interests vary from classical music to heavy rock. Until recently, very interested in wargaming. During 1982 had an article published in ‘Military Modelling Magazme' on wargaming with the ZX81. Also author of 'STARFIRE' and ‘THE ISLAND' available from Virgin Games. All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use. WARNING: These programs are sold according to VIRGIN GAMES LTD'S terms of trade and conditions of sale. Copies of which are available on request. © 1984 VIRGIN GAMES LTD