GENESIS II ========== LOADING INSTRUCTIONS: LOAD "" GENESIS: ORIGIN, CREATION, PRODUCTION, BIRTH GENESIS II: RE-BIRTH? RE-CREATION? You are the only crewman left alive on the Earth Colony Ship GENESIS II which has been stolen by a handful of space pirates. Your cargo is a forest and a collection of rare Earth animals being sent to populate a new world. It is your task to save the cargo and if possible yourself as well. To do this you must jettison the forest and animal domes and set both their automatic pilots to a homeward course. GOOD LUCK!! To reduce the frustration of trying to think up the exact word commands, Genesis II has a vocabulary of around 300 words. There are nearly one hundred different locations, over 60 objects and over 500 possible actions of all types. It is full machine code, so the responses are very quick, although sometimes may be very misleading! Throughout the game the computer will describe your location, tell you what can be found there and give other useful information. You must then use your cunning and skill to decide what to do. There are no set rules as to what you must input to the computer just use plain English and if it does not understand first time, try rephrasing your instructions. For movement, the usual North, South, Up and Down etc. can be used, whilst other useful words are: TAKE DROP LOOK OPEN CLOSE BREAK KILL EXAMINE WEAR MEND LIST - tells you what you are carrying SAVE - saves the game at its current position LOAD - loads a previously saved game QUIT - ends the game SCORE gives your score. You can take or drop everything in one go with TAKE ALL or TAKE EVERYTHING etc. In most cases when you do something you must say which object you wish to use, e.g. KILL GUARD WITH LASER or OPEN WEST DOOR WITH SMALL KEY. Remember, it is your aim to find the barth’s co-ordinates, set them in the Dome’s navigation computers and send them on their way. If you can save yourself as well, so much the better. You will receive a score during the game, so even if you fail in your task you will get some reward, which can be bettered in your next attempt. © MIKRO-GEN All rights of the owner, producer and the work being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying, lending, hiring, public performance and broadcasting of this cassette is strictly prohibited. 44 The Broadway, Bracknell, Berks. 0344 427317