THE INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE ======================== by A. Trenker Your mission, as a Knight of the Fire, is to trace the dead footsteps of many brave knights and wizards and find the Magical Globe. This Globe possesses great power and is protected by an evil Lord and the imprisoned souls of four beasts; the Minotaurs, the Serpents, the Trolls, and the Skeletons. Hardware Required: ZX Spectrum 48K INSTRUCTIONS: To Load the program use LOAD"” as a direct command. THE GAME: A long time ago, in days long past there reigned, on a peaceful earth, many great wizards. Years passed and soon a change swept over the land, a change for the worse. The darkness took the form of great beasts and of hideous devils. The evil force swept the land, destroying and killing. The great wizards were troubled and so they sent out some of their knights to try to stamp out the evil. But few of them returned and those who did had terrible stories to tell. Almost all the Globes were found. There only remains one region; The Moon Islands, where the last Globe was still to be found. Your mission, as a Knight of the Fire, is to find the last Globe on the Moon Islands of the Evil Lord called Nadish. To find the Globe you will need to kill him. You must first find the souls of the beasts. You will know that you are near a soul because you will feel an aura-around you. When you own a soul the beast to whom it belongs will be under your control and so you can instruct it to kill the Lord. It will take more than one race of beasts to destroy him and to instruct your beasts you must be close to them. When you finally kill the Lord you must search his castle rooms for the Globe. KEY CONTROLS: 7 Moves you north one space. 8 Moves you east one space. 6 Moves you south one space. 5 Moves you west one space. 4 Moves you down one space if any stairs lead down. 9 Moves you up one space, or level, if any stairs lead up. 1 This gives you 10 spaces to move each go and you will notice that your stamina decreases by 1 point. 2 This gives you 16 spaces to move each go and your stamina will decrease by 2 points. 3 This gives you 22 spaces to move each go and your stamina will decrease by 3 points. 0 This will fire one arrow in the direction that you last moved. E This enables you to eat some of your food rations. Your food rations will decrease but your stamina will increase. If nothing happens when the key is pressed then you have no food left. D This enables you to drink some of your water rations. Your water rations will decrease but your stamina will increase. If nothing happens when you press the key you have no water rations left. “K” This is only used in reply to a question printed at the bottom of the screen ie; “BEAST’S COMMAND”. To reply to this, type in “K” or “kill” and Enter if you want the beast to kill the Lord. DO NOT type in anything longer than 5 letters. M This will display the Map which is a 10 by 10 grid of scenes numbered from 1 to 100. I This will update all your status reports on the right side of the screen. S This saves the game at the position that you are in. THE INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE © Computer Rentals Limited 1983 ARTWORK by Phil Gascoine In the event of this cassette proving faulty, please return it direct to: Computer Rentals Ltd., 140 Whitechapel Road, LONDON, E11EJ. and it will be replaced immediately. All rights reserved. No part of this program should be recorded, duplicated or transfered in any form onto any media without prior authorization from the owners of the work. Hiring and lending of this program is prohibited unless written permission is given by Computer Rentals Ltd. This cassette is sold subject to the following conditions: Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, exchanging, public performance & broadcasting of the cassette is strictly prohibited. Made in U.K.