INSPECTOR FLUKEIT ================= Flukeit - an adventure in crime and detection - with graphics! Frank Flukeit, Private Investigator, and Blunders, his accident-prone assistant, have to solve the mysterious disappearance of the brilliant Professor Mundle. Flukeit is a game of detection, deduction, and interaction witn the other people in the plot. You must find out how to make these independently-minded characters part with their information. LOADING - LOAD"" [ENTER] THE STORY - You take the part of Flukeit, the private detective who has been summoned to solve the mysterious disappearance of the brilliant Professor Mundle. You are aided by your trusty assistant, Blunders, who is a bit accident-prone. Together you must find clues, interrogate key suspects, and finally, having used your powers of deduction and defection, hand over to the police the perpetrators of this ghastly crime! PLAYING THE GAME - Flukeit follows most of the conventions of adventure type games, but you must remember it is played in Real Time. Your commands are entered in the bottom line of the screen, while the progress of the game goes on in the top part. In your commands you are restricted to six words with 31 characters maximum. Words can be abbreviated to the first four letters. Movement commands like "North" or "South East" can be abbreviated to N or SE. SPECIAL COMMANDS - There are a few special commands... VERBS or V - Gives list of aceptable verbs and commands. LOOK or L - Re-describes your present location, with any people or objects shown in blue. INVENTORY or I - Gives list of objects you are carrying. SAVE - Saves game so far as data file. LOAD - Loads in saved game. SCORE or SC - Gives your score as percentage completed. PAUSE or P - Pauses the game until key is pressed. QUIT or Q - Restarts entire game from scratch. * - Can be used to repeat the last command. OTHER CHARACTERS - Most of the other characters in the game have their own independent existence. But they may be able to do something you cannot, or may have some valuable knowledge. Communication with them will be essential to solving the case. Saying "Hello" should be enough to draw most characters into conversation. To talk to any character, use one of the following formats... SAY TO BLUNDERS OPEN THE DOOR or ASK BLUNDERS TO OPEN THE DOOR or TELL BLUNDERS TO OPEN DOOR or BLUNDERS OPEN DOOR If you just wish to be friendly, you could try... TALK TO BLUNDERS or SAY TO BLUNDERS HELLO Don’t expect everyone to fall over themselves to help. You may need to use persuasion or do them a favour first. Conversations should in general be limited to asking the character to do something. Often this is something that you could do yourself, but because of their special knowledge or personal characteristics you may get results when they do it that you wouldn’t get if you did it yourself. HINTS - Have a pencil and paper handy as some messages will only appear once. Make good use of the "Examine" command to get more information about objects or people. Remember other people can carry objects too! FLUKEIT was written by Colin Jordan, using his own "Worldscape" adventure system.