TEMPLE OF VRAN ============== THE KET TRILOGY 2 Can you survive the perils of Vrans Temple? Includes: % Scoring, Health Monitor, Unique Combat System, Load/Save facility. Evil Warts Eleven time travel!! Connect the ear socket on the spectrum to the ear socket of your cassette recorder. Insert the cassette label upwards into your cassette recorder and rewind to the beginning. Type LOAD"" and then press enter. Press play on your cassette recorder. The program will run automatically when loaded. If the program fails to load, rewind the tape and adjust the volume level and try again. THE KET TRILOGY The lands of Ket have long been split into feuding groups and have never known peace. Recently though, particularly vicious attacks have come from beyond a range of mountains in the east - these are known as the Mountains of Ket. To put a stop to these attacks, the Lords of Ket have joined together and called for you. You are told that the force behind the raids comes from two people; Priest/King Vran Verusbel, leader of the cult of Mad Monks, and their High Preistess, Delphia, the most beautiful woman in existence. It is thought by the Lords that the death of both Vran and Dephia would cause the raids to stop. This then is your ultimate task, but beware as both are cunning and devious. THE STORY SO FAR Exhausted, you have just reached the far side of the Mountains of Ket. During your travels you were able to secure 4 magical items, a sword, a ring, a suit of armour, and a wand. To pass the final guardian, a huge Zombie, you had to have all of these items, you were then able to make your way down a flight of stairs. Just as you thought you had made it the Zombie grabbed back the wand. As you ran down the stairs towards a glint of daylight the Zombie rolled a huge boulder into the tunnel behind you. You are now forced to go on . . . Part 2 Temple of Vran Your mission in this part of the Trilogy is to reach the Temple and once there to put an end to all of its evil occupants. You are told that the Temple is somewhere to the east, although it may not be on a direct route. Many of the items you find on your travels will assist you in your task. Try not to waste any as you may need them. About You Several weeks ago you were framed with a murder and sentenced to a grisly death. On the eve of your execution you were given a Do or Die choice and you chose to Do! To ensure your continued loyalty when you are on the mission, a magic assassin bug named Edgar was placed on your neck. His orders are to sink his poison fangs into you at the slightest sign of you doing a bunk. Edgar will provide a run down on all you meet and may be able to give you help in certain instances. HOW TO USE THE ADVENTURE If you have already played Mountains of Ket then you will only need to read the combat section, as this has been revised. Word Entry When entering commands please use a Verb/Noun combination. You will be told if your command is not understood or if you try to do something impossible. Listed below are examples of a few possibilities. . . GET SWORD PREPARE SWORD THROW CANE CLIMB DOWN GO NORTH Special Commands . . . INVENTORY Lists the objects that you have with you and shows your prepared weapon. STAT Informs you of your current condition. SCORE Will tell you how well you are doing. BEEP Has a toggle effect to turn the keyboard beeper on or off. HELP May be useful (may not!). LOOK Redescribes your present location. SAVE/LOAD See SAVING & LOADING section later on. QUIT Ends the game and lets you begin again. All commands may be abbreviated, i.e. INV means the same as INVENTORY. The most useful of these being the movement commands: North, East, South, West, Up and Down abbreviated to N,E,S,W,U & D respectively. Your Statistics These are a measure of your current condition. They are put into three categories: PROWESS, ENERGY & LUCK. These abilities are used in Combat. You will be told your statistics automatically at the beginning of the adventure, and they may be checked at any time by using STAT. The higher they are the better. Combat To enter into combat you must have a prepared weapon. To find out whether you have one or not just type INVENTORY. If you have, then one of your weapons will be in Inverse Video, this is your prepared weapon. To change weapon just type PREPARE XXX, where XXX is the weapon you wish to prepare. If for some reason you get into a fight then a special combat screen will be displayed. This will show both your abilities and (Thanks to Edgar) those of your foe. Combat is split into a number of rounds ending when one of you snuffs it or you chicken out! Each round your prowess and that of your opponent is compared. The higher of the two has a greater chance of hitting his opponent, but even if your Prowess is lower you may still be able to hit! When you hit your opponent his energy will decrease, when he has none left he will die, and the same applies to you! If you are hit then you get a chance to dodge - this is where your luck comes into play. The more luck you have the more chance you have of dodging. Make sure it doesn't run out! Saving and Loading At some stage during play you may wish to SAVE your present position in the game for continuing at a later date. To do this, enter SAVE, type in a filename and start the tape recording. Press a key and the game will then be saved in two short parts. To LOAD a previously saved position, LOAD the main program, type LOAD (& press enter), then play your data tape. You will be told when loading is complete and you can then continue from the saved position. Playing the Trilogy as a Whole Each part of the Trilogy is a complete Adventure in itself and each can be played independently of the other 2. Alternatively, if you complete Parts 1 or 2 and wish to continue, simply insert the next tape into your cassette player & press play - the computer will then preserve your present condition & you can continue in the next part. (Note this can only be done after completing an adventure!) Helpful Hints Don't leave anything useful in a different time zone - you may not be able to return! It will be very useful to draw a map of the area as you proceed. On your travels you will find many curious items. These may be worn, help you in combat, assist in solving a problem or be of no use whatsoever! N.B. IT COULD BE ADVANTAGEOUS TO WRITE DOWN THE MESSAGE THAT APPEARS ON THE SCREEN (IF) YOU ACHIEVE 100% !!! TEMPLE OF VRAIM © COPYRIGHT 1984 Incentive Software Ltd. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED WORLDWIDE. The game and name Temple of Vran and all of its Associated Software. Code, Listings, Audio Effects, Graphics, Illustrations and Text are the exclusive property and copyright of Incentive Software Ltd and may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, transmitted, hired, lent, distributed, stored or modified in any form in full or in part without the express written permission of Incentive Software Ltd, 54 London Street, Reading RG1 4SQ, England.