PERSONAL FINANCE ================ LOADING PERSONAL FINANCE The procedure for loading a program into your Spectrum is given on page 24 of the manual. Please follow these steps for loading PERSONAL FINANCE. 1. Connect the ear socket of the computer to the ear socket of your tape recorder. 2. Set the volume control as per Sinclair manual. 3. Adjust the tone control to maximum. 4. Type Load "". 5. Start the tape recorder. The program will AUTO RUN once loaded. PERSONAL FINANCE SYSTEM The Personal Finance System is a menu-driven home accounts package designed to allow easy maintenance of your current account with reconciliation to your bank statement. The attached User Instructions give detailed information on how to use the system, but first some general points. The system and data are stored together on cassette; as insurance against possible tape errors/loss we recommend that you use a cycle of at least two cassettes so that the previous version is always available as backup, i.e. you should never SAVE on to the cassette you have just LOADED from. Note that after initial system setup the entry point used is different so you may wish to keep the original in case of problems. Choose a time (probably the start of a month) when you know your current balance and when standing payments have yet to be debited to initialise the system. You are asked to enter your balance and bank account number (so that the system can be run for several different accounts) on initial entry; enter details of all standing payments at the same time. The system will handle up to 250 credit/debit entries and 30 standing payments (STO = Standing Order, DDR = Direct Debit). All amount fields must be entered as whole pence (i.e. £64.72 = 6472, £10.00 = 1000) without sign; any value between 0 and 99999999. All credit/debit entries and standing payments are maintained in chronological sequence; balances are automatically calculated. All dates, numeric input, etc., are fully validated before being accepted into the system. All dates must be input as six characters (DDMMYY). The system will reject any invalid options or data entered by simply repeating the prompt. The keyboard is set to uppercase mode automatically and all keywords must be in uppercase. Entries can be reconciled to your bank statement by simply moving item by item down the statement, using the search facilities in Option 5 to find the entry and marking it using the 'R' function. In order to retain the flexibility of fully updateable/deleteable entries those that have been reconciled (and can therefore be removed from the system) must be deleted from the start of the history file — if an entry is deleted from the middle of the file it is assumed to have been made in error and will have no effect on the current balance once removed;, reconciled entries must still be reflected inthecurrent balance even when removed! The 'DR' function in Option 5 must also be used to delete reconciled entries. The system maintains a figure representing the balance before the first credit/debit entry; if for any reason this amount is incorrect it can be amended by inserting a credit/debit at the start of the file to correct it, marking it as reconciled and using 'DR' to remove it. USER INSTRUCTIONS INITIAL ENTRY - MASTER MENU To load the system type LOAD 'PF'. Enter today's date (DDMMYY): Any valid date after 1 January 1982. Enter current balance (pence): Numeric value, whole pence, maximum 99999999. Enter bank account number: Maximum 12 characters. After the current date is input the system will generate debit entries for all standing payments. If the limit of 250 entries is reached during this operation the system will inform you and then 'new' itself (as standing payments may have been partially subtracted). You must then reload, enter 'HELP' as today's date, select Option 5, reconcile and remove some entries, terminate the session and reload. OPTION 1 - DEBIT CURRENT ACCOUNT Reference (up to 10 characters): Use for cheque number (etc.); will be truncated to 10 characters. Payee (up to 15 characters): Any text, truncated to 15 characters. Amount (pence): In pence, no sign, maximum value 99999999. Date (DDMMYY): Valid date after 1 January 1982; hit enter to default to today. The system will accept debit/credits for future dates — they will be reflected in the current and any requested future balance. OPTION 2 - CREDIT CURRENT ACCOUNT Reference (up to 10 characters): Use for credit si ip number (etc.); will be truncated to 10 characters. Source (up to 15 characters): Any text, truncated to 15 characters. Amount (pence): In pence, no sign, maximum value 99999999. Date (DDMMYY): Valid date after 1 January 1982; hit enter to default to today. OPTION 3 - CURRENT BALANCE Displays current account balance after the last history entry; hit enter to return to menu. OPTION 4 - FUTURE BALANCE Future date (DDMMYY): Any valid date after today, maximum one year ahead. The system calculates a balance for the specified date. This option can be used to discover disposable income for the current month after standing payments have been debited. (No debit entries are generated.) Hit enter to return to menu. OPTION 5 - CURRENT ACCOUNT HISTORY (LIST/UPDATE) Note that '(' and ')' should not be entered. L: List from start of file. LD (DDMMYY): List from specified date (or the nearest date after date if not found). LA (999999): List from specified amount. LR (XXXXXX): List from specified reference. A partial key of, say, the first five characters is acceptable. LP (XXXXXX): List from specified payee or source (or partial key). R: Reconcile (i.e. has appeared on bank statement). Select entry: Number from 1 to 6. Selected entry is marked as reconciled by A'R' in the last byte of the reference. (Note that an entry can be 'un-reconciled' via the 'U' option.) U: Update. Select entry: Number from 1 to 6. Flashing entry is being updated, you are prompted for new values for each field — hit enter if field is to remain unchanged. The system will re-sort and re-calculate balances if changes to date or amount are made. D: Delete (i.e. entry made in error). Select entry: Number from 1 to 6. DR: Delete reconciled entries. Deletes all entries marked as reconciled if contiguous from start of history file. P: Print current-screen if ZX printer attached. M: Return to menu. Enter: Continue listing next screen. OPTION 6 - ADD STO/DDR STO(S)/DDR(D): S for standing order, D for direct debit. Reference (up to 15 characters): Use for reference number, details (etc.), truncated to 15 characters. Payee (up to 15 characters): Any text, truncated to 15 characters. Day of month (01 to 31): Day on which payment is due; note that, for example, a payment due on the 31st will be debited on the 28th when February in a non-leap year is being processed Amount (pence): In pence, no sign, maximum 99999999 OPTION 7 - STO/DDR HISTORY (LIST/UPDATE) L: List from start of file. U: Update. Select entry: Number from 1 to 6. Flashing entry is being updated, you are prompted for new values for each field — hit enter if field is to remain unchanged. The system will re-sort the history file if day is changed. D: Delete. Select entry: Number from 1 to 6. P: Print current screen if ZX printer attached. M: Return to menu. Enter: Continue listing next screen. OPTION 8 — SYSTEM STATUS Bank account number (as entered on system setup). Date of last access (00/00/00 on initial entry). Credit/debits used. Cr-cdit/debits left. Reconciled entries (i.e. those that the 'DR' function in Option 5 would remove). Available for deletion. STO/DDRs used. STO/DDRs left. Current balance (as Option 3). Hit enter to return to menu. OPTION 9 - TERMINATE SESSION Load next tape: Insert next tape from cycle, start recording and hit enter (or any key) — the program, together with data, are saved. When complete you are prompted 1. Rewind tape 2. Start tape playing 3. Hit enter The program and data are verified. Any liability on the part of DK'Tronics Ltd arising from the use of this program is limited to the value of the materials provided © Copyright 1983 DK'Tronics This cassette contains two copies of this program, one on each side. If you have any loading problems or if one of the copies gets damaged, then use the other copy. Before loading any program please ensure that the heads of your cassette deck are clean and demagnetised. The program recorded on this cassette and the packaging are copyright. No reproduction of this program is permitted without approval of Dk'Tronics. Manufactured and Distributed by DK'Tronics. Shire Hill Industrial Estate, Saffron Walden, Essex CB11 3AX Tel: (0799) 26350/22359