SPECTRUM FORTH ============== Both 16K FORTH and 48K FORTH together with a sample Game (48K) on the same tape. A comprehensive User Manual is supplied which includes an introduction to Forth for those new to the language. A listing of the Game is also given in the manual and the game can be typed into 16K machines. Specification: 16K VERSION allows approximately: 114 new words; 60 stack items; 25 user defined graphic characters. 48K VERSION allows approximately: 1,000 new words; 800 stack items; 256 user defined graphic characters. Both versions support all FORTH structures, the ZX Printer and access to the I/O Ports. They also handle machine code. The Spectrum’s Hl-Res colour graphic facilities and Beeper (48K only) command are retained. Integer arithmetic is used, non-integer inputs and results being rounded up or down as appropriate.