WHITE HEAT ========== Programmer - Mark Baldock has virtually turned the Spectrum into an Arcade Machine with this incredible Shoot 'Em Up game. Wave after wave of inteligent aliens challenging Arcade Addicts to their limits!! You won't believe the smoothness of the graphics in this brilliant arcade game. It pushes the Spectrum and the Player right to the limit. Level one tempts you with three waves of intelligent aliens. Each level and each different alien needs a clever strategy if you are to see the next level. With countless different aliens in 72 attack waves this is definitely not a game for the faint hearted or mediocre trigger fingered. This is real Aracde Freaks Game!! I challenge YOU to WHITE HEAT. With seventy two levels this has got to be one of the most playable games to date! Each one of the aliens has its own special behaviour and characteristics which has to be accounted for when trying to destroy each onslaughting attack wave. The sooner you shoot an alien the more points you are awarded and if you don't shoot an alien quickly enough it will mutate into an even more fearsome opponent. The aliens turn red when mutation is imminant. Some aliens will dodge your missiles - some will dive bomb your ship when they attack. A free ship is awarded every 1000 points! If you can get past level 52 then you must be brillant because that's Mark's high to date! CONTROLS: JOYSTICK ACTION KEYS Left Move ship left A Right Move ship right X Fire Shoot lazer bolt M Press F to freeze the game at any time Press S to turn the sound ON/OFF