USURPER ======= The Multi-player Game of Strategy and Ruthlessness. Overthrow your opponents. Destroy marauding Ores. Thieves and other denizens of the wild places. Plunder for Gold to buy men and provisions until finally you are strong enough to fight the King. One to ten players can partake in this medieval fantasy of Machiavellian Tactics, Battle and Conquest. You have 100 days to succeed. NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED. Rules for Game using the map (optional). Dice to see who places counter / or figure on the Map first. No player may begin closer than two hexes to a castle, village, or another player. The Sequence of play is Move, Computer Command, Next Player Move, Computer Command etc. Each player has six movement points : a plain hex costs 1mp; desert 2mp; forest 2mp; mountains 3mp. Players cannot occupy villages so as to prevent the access of another player. If you are "lost" in the Mountains, or encounter "Sand Storm" in the Desert, you must spend your next move in that terrain. Players cannot be attacked in the round in which they receive aid from the Castle. Nor can fighting be allowed in the Inn, Village or Temple. Remember, in both games your followers, provisions and gold must be balanced or you starve or fail to pay your men. At the point you raise your strength to l000 men and l0000 gold pieces you become a threat to the King. GENERAL When asked for a location reply with a single letter, for example, v for village... The letters used are: i - Inn v - Village p - Plain m - Mountains d - Desert t - Temple c - Castle a - Attack another player The attack comand, a, is a special feature which allows one player to attack another and thus reduce the other players forces and gain more gold with which to purchase men and provisions. When the attack command is entered the computer will ask for the number of the player to be attacked. The players number is displayed at the top of the screen during the players move. After entering the location of the player certain actions may occur. These actions will be in most case either an encounter leading to a fight or a day spent hunting, hunting occurs at the end of every day turn unless the player is in the inn, village or the desert. Encounters which do not lead to a fight occur in the village, the temple and the inn. In the village the player may purchase men or provisions providing he or she has the required amout of gold, men cost between 2 and 10 gold pieces and provisions cost one gold piece each. The temple is the place to go if the player looses a battle as in the temple the priest can bless you which will restore strength, provide more gold and men. However this is not without risk as the temple is also inhabited by creatures of the night which if met will reduce the players spirit which can not be restored. When the spirit reaches zero the player becomes one of the undead and can take no further part in the game. Strength can also be partly restored by eating at the inn and resting overnight restores 2 points of strength.