KNOW YOUR OWN PSI-Q =================== The mystery of psychic power has intrigued and baffled man for centuries. In recent times it has been the subject of considerable scientific research and media interest. Until now most of us could only observe and probably remain sceptical. This most fascinating of home computer programs takes the investigation and testing of Psychic ability out of the laboratory and into you own home. Are you psychic? Can any members of your family, can any of your friends, predict the future (precognition) or see the unseen clearly (clairvoyance)? Known Your Own PSI-Q uses entertaining and scientifically researched card games and shooting games to check for psychic abilities in the user. No cheating is possible, the computer is in total control of every test. The program may be used time and time again, for research has shown that practice improves psi-ability. Research has also shown that relaxed subjects perform best - so a unique relaxation routine is included in the program. Test result history files may be built up automatically and a Psi-Q questionnaire checks for belief and attitudes - also found to be relative to Psi ability. This program is based upon the book “KNOW YOUR OWN PSI-Q” by Hans Eysenck and Carl Sargent published by Michael Joseph. INTRODUCTION BY DR. CARL SARGENT Psychic phenomena are controversial — some scientific researchers claim that there is overwhelming evidence that they occur, while sceptics deny this. Psi (short for psychic) abilities are of two kinds. The first is extra-sensory perception (ESP), the second is mind-over-matter or psychokinesis (PK). The Know YourOwn Psi-Q program contains tests for two types of ESP — clairvoyance, which is the ability to determine the outcome of events that have already occurred and precognition, which is the ability to see into the future — to foretell the outcome of events that have not yet occurred. The tests included in the program are derived from ones used in many formal scientific laboratory studies. But is it possible to test psychic ability with machines? Many people are happier with the type of ESP called telepathy that occurs between two people. However, there is sufficient evidence to show that ESP with machines is indeed possible, it does occur, and the advantages of this program are tremendous. You don't need to shuffle packs of cards, write down guesses, check the scores by hand over and over — all the time - consuming elements of old-fashioned ESP tests — and the possibility of errors is eliminated. What you get is speed, total accuracy, excellent graphics, complete information, and absolute control over the testing. You can be serious about testing or just simply do it for fun! It has always been believed that certain people have better psi abilities than others, so the program includes a series of questions about personality, beliefs and attitudes which can be used to predict how well a person is likely to do with the tests. These have been derived from similar questionnaires used in over 100 studies of ESP and personality/belief variables, conducted by a large number of researchers in over a dozen different countries in the last 35 years. Again, there is evidence that certain states of mind or moods are more likely to favour ESP than others — so you'll find a short relaxation procedure here too. All you have to do is look at the screen and listen for approximately three minutes, whenever you need to relax. The key feature of Know Your Own Psi-Q is that you get control overall key aspects of the testing. You decide which tests, how long they're going to be, when you do them — and you don't have to bother about the random choice of the 'targets' in the games, the scoring, the recording or the display of results. You get the choices, the fun and the results without any of the hard work. And above everything else you get the chance to find out for yourself. Hundreds of books and magazine features may baffle you with contradictory claims about psi, and without technical knowledge it is often not easy to know what has been established about psi, what is uncertain, and what is just illusion or trickery. Now you don't need technical knowledge and you don't need to take anyone else's word for it; all you need is this program. So, start your own investigation today. LOADING THE PROGRAM 1. Switch off your Spectrum to clear the memory completely. Switch on the computer and then the television set. 2. Connect the ear socket on your Spectrum to the ear socket on your cassette recorder. 3. If you are using the program for the first time, you should use program 1 —the Psi-Quiz — and then program 2 — the Psi-Games. 4. Place the cassette in the cassette deck, making sure the tape is rewound and that you have side 1 uppermost, for program 1, or side 2, for program 2. 5. Press LOAD (also the 'J' key) and then hold down the SYMBOL SHIFT key and type "" (no space between quotation marks) and press ENTER. Press the PLAY button on the cassette deck and after a few seconds the border screen will flash. The blue and yellow stripes tell you that the program is loading. Loading will take approximately 4 minutes (program 1), or 2 minutes (program 2), during which time you will see the Home Discovery loader screen. Note: It the blue and yellow lines in the border do not appear, adjust the volume setting on the cassette recorder, rewind the tape, and try loading the program again. If you have any further problems, carry out the loading procedure once more. 6. When loading is complete, you will be presented either with the introduction to the Psi-Quiz (if you are loading program 1), or with the Main Menu of the Psi-Games (if you are loading program 2). USING THE PROGRAM Program 1: PSI-QUIZ The Psi-Quiz consists of a questionnaire designed to assess your psychic inclinations, awareness and possible potential. It is divided into three sections, each one testing a particular aspect of your personality in relation to possible psi ability. The three sections combine a total of 102 questions, all in the same format with three possible answers (sometimes two). When you have completed each section, your score is calculated and displayed on screen with a more detailed comment on its significance. It is a good idea to complete the questionnaire before attempting the games on program 2. Program 2: PSI-GAMES Once the program has loaded you will see the program's Main Menu. There are six main options to choose from and before going through each one more fully, you may find the following notes helpful: 1. Before attempting options 1 to 4 on the Main Menu, you should first choose option 6, relaxation, as the best results have been found to occur when you are in your most relaxed frame of mind. 2. Options 1 to 4 are games which test your psi ability in different ways. For a more accurate assessment of your psi ability, you should make a minimum of 10 guesses per game. 3. Option 5 enables you to set up a history file to save the results of the games. It has its own 'history' menu and you can select to play the same games that are offered on the Main Menu, but this time the results can be saved. For this you will need a separate cassette for each person who wishes to set up a file. 4. Select your option by typing the numberand pressing ENTER. Options 1 and 2: Card Games Psigame 1 — Guess the suit In psigame 1 you have to guess the suit of a series often cards presented to you on the screen. To make your selection, position the arrow with the SPACE bar and press the ENTER key. This is a 1 in 4 test, so if you score over 25% yourscore is above average. Over one game this does not in fact mean anything. However, if you consistently score above the average over a series of games, this may indicate some psychic ability. So you should make at least 50 guesses. The same applies with games 2, 3 and 4. At the end of the game your results are displayed and yourscore is given together with an analysis of the measure of psi ability, if any, that you have shown. Psigame 2 — Guess the colour This game also uses a pack of cards. You have to determine the colour of a series of ten cards presented to you on the screen. Make your selection for the colour in the same way as in psigame 1. This is a 1 in 2 test. Options 3 and 4: Grid Games If you select either psigame 3 or 4 there is a further option to select — whether you wish to test for clairvoyance or precognition. Clairvoyance is the ability to determine the outcome of events which have already occurred. Precognition is the ability to see into the future — to foretell the outcome of an event which has not yet occurred. If you choose clairvoyance, the computer will choose the positions of the targets before you make your choice, if you choose precognition, you make your choice first and then the computer decides where the targets are to be. Psigame 3 — Hunt the Psi-Psub You are presented with a 5 by 4 grid on which 10 submarines are hidden, i.e. a 1 in 2 test. You have a sight which can be moved around the grid with the cursor keys. When you think that you have positioned the sight over a submarine, press ENTER. If you have hit one it will explode, otherwise your shell will land in the water with a splash. Psigame 4 — Find the face This game is a variation on the Psi-Psubs game for those of a non-violent disposition. The aim of the game is to find the 10 hidden smiling faces on the grid. Make your selection in the same way as in psigame 3. Option 5: Long term Psi-testing This option enables you to test your psi ability over a period of time. You have the opportunity to store a history file on cassette which keeps details of your mood, state of relaxation and the time of day when you sat each test, together with your score for each game you played in this option. This enables you to build up an overall picture of your psychic abilities over a large number of tests, which would be necessary to make any meaningful interpretation of the results. To start a history file: 1. Choose option 5 from the Main Menu. You will be asked to enteryour name, which then becomes your filename and must therefore be typed in the same way every time. 2. Having entered your filename, you are asked if you wish to load an existing history file. As this is your first time, type 'n' but on any subsequent occasion type 'y' and follow the instructions on screen for loading the file. 3. The next screen asks you questions on your mood and the time of day in which you are making your test. 4. A History Menu offering 6 options is then displayed: 5. Options 1—4 offer the same games as the Main Menu. Attempt as many of them as you wish, as many times as you like and on completion the result will be displayed in the same way as before and you will be returned to the History Menu. 6. Now choose option 5 to see all your results to date displayed in the form of a barchart, an example of which is shown below: The position of the arrow shows how far your scores have deviated from that expected by chance (mid-point) towards either positive or negative psi ability. The positive section (to the right) and the negative section (to the left), indicate either 'some', 'good' or 'excellent' ability. Please note that a result showing negative psi ability is just as significant as one showing positive ability. After studying the bar chart, press the SPACE bar as requested and your cumulative scores are displayed, detailing the number of guesses and hits you have made so far. Press SPACE again and you are returned to the History Menu. 7. To return to the Main Menu, select option 6. If you have played any of the psigames on the History Menu, you are first shown the bar chart and your cumulative scores and then your results are saved. If you are setting up a history file for the first time, you will need to use a blank cassette. The instructions for saving are shown on screen, so follow them carefully and your results will be successfully saved. If you wish to keep a number of history files, e.g. for different games or for different people, make sure you use a different cassette each time and note down the filename for future reference. Rememberto reconnect the ear plug to your cassette recorder after saving or you will not be able to load another file. Option 6: Relaxation The relaxation routine presents you with a series of images and sounds designed to help you achieve a relaxed state of mind which will make you more receptive to psi stimuli. Before the session begins, you are asked to find your pulse. If you have never taken your pulse before, it's really quite simple. Place one or two fingers of one hand (not the thumb) on the \ outer edge of the wrist of your other hand, positioning them at the point where you can feel a regular beat beneath the skin — this is your pulse beat. Alternatively, your pulse can be felt at your temple and under your chin, almost directly below your ear. Tilt your head back slightly to make it easier to detect. When you have found your pulse, press the SPACE bar, as instructed, and start counting. Stop counting and enter the number of beats when the screen instruction appears. The timing and calculation of your pulse rate is done for you. Now just sit comfortably and watch the screen. The bleep you will hear is timed to match your pulse rate and it reduces by approximately 10 beats over the 3 minute duration of the session. This induces your body to reduce its pulse rate in line with the bleeps and therefore produce a more relaxed state. The lower your pulse rate, the more relaxed you are. You should carry out this, or some other form of relaxation, before every psi testing session. Option 7: End This option ends the program. If you wish to play again, having already selected this option, you will have to reload the program. ©1984 IVAN BERG SOFTWARE LIMITED. All rights reserved. No part of this program or accompanying literature may be duplicated copied transmitted otherwise reproduced or hired out without the express written consent of the publishers. IVAN BERG SOFTWARE LIMITED, Dunluce House, 4 Canfield Gardens, London NW6 3QT. MIRRORSOFT, MIRROR GROUP NEWSPAPERS LIMITED, Holborn Circus, London EC1P 1DQ. Made in England