SpecDrum ELECTRO KIT + KIT EDITOR by P. HENNIG and A. PATEMAN SIDE A: ELECTRO KIT 1. E KICK 5. E PEOW 2. E SNARE 6. E HITAT 3. E HI TOM 7. E CYMB 4. E LO TOM 8. E CLAPS SIDE B: KIT EDITOR This tape contains a kit of 8 extra drum sounds to LOAD into your SpecDrum Digital Drum System, plus the SpecDrum Kit Editor, which enables "kits" and individual sounds to be SAVEd and LOADed, even reversed, allowing you to create your own custom drum kits. TO LOAD THE ELECTRO KIT into the SpecDrum: Connect the SpecDrum module and LOAD the SpecDrum program as nor- mal but STOP THE TAPE WHEN THE "KIT LOADING" MES- SAGE FLASHES at the top of the picture screen. (Note this tape position for later reference). Insert this tape and PLAY from the start of SIDE A. DO NOT PRESS ANY COMPUTER KEYS AT THIS STAGE. The new kit will now LOAD, giving your Spec- DRUM a whole new vocabulary! Alternatively, with the SpecDrum already LOADed and RUN- ning, select the LOAD/SAVE PAGE, then PRESS KEY: [5] LOAD VOICE [9] ]]KIT[[ ENTER PLAY SIDE A of this tape. When the kit has LOADed, PRESS R to Return to the Main Page and the new sounds (with their names) will be present. SIDE B: THE KIT EDITOR This utility program runs independantly of the SpecDrum sys- tem. With the computer reset, type LOAD"" and press ENTER, then PLAY SIDE B of this tape. THE KIT EDITOR allows you to LOAD a SpecDrum kit from tape, and SAVE individual sounds from the kit onto your own tape. Individually SAVEd sounds can then be reLOADed to build up new kits which can be SAVEd and then LOADed into the SpecDrum. As an added bonus, sounds can also be reversed, giving the SpecDrum a new range of effects. When the program RUNs the 4 options LOAD, SAVE, VERIFY, REVERSE, are displayed next to the relevant keys. In the lower half of the screen, the numbers 1-8 represent the SpecDrum voice numbers. 9 represents the whole kit. PRESS KEYS 1-9 TO SELECT WHICH VOICE THE OPTIONS APPLY TO. The options are simple and self explanatory: KEY [J] LOADs the selected Voice with the first compatible sound found on tape. The name of the sound appears next to "LOAD" in the upper screen when found, and vertically below the Voice number when it has LOADed. Remember that sounds may only be LOADed to their own Channels. and that Channel 3 is split into upper and lower slots. CHANNEL 1: Voice 1 CHANNEL 2: Voices 2,3, or 4 CHANNEL 3 lower: Voices 5 or 6 upper: Voices 7 or 8 To LOAD a kit select Voice 9 [S] SAVEs the sound in the selected Voice, or the whole kit. SAVing commences when the key is released, so start re- cording before pressing S. Empty Voices can be SAVEd as part of a kit, but not singly. [V] VERIFIES selected sound against the immediately SAVEd sound, (or whole kit). [R] REVERSES selected sound. The Names of reversed sounds are also reversed, and an "R" appears over the voice number in the display. To break out of LOAD, SAVE, or VERIFY, press SPACE. When LOADing sounds or kits, if SPACE is pressed immediately after the name has appeared in the upper screen the original sound will remain. If SPACE is pressed while the sound or kit has started LOADing, the Voice(s) will be erased. The standard SpecDrum Kit can be LOADed into the KIT EDITOR by selecting LOAD kit on the Editor, then PLAYing the SpecDrum tape from the point where the "KIT LOADING" mes- sage normally appears. When LOADing edited kits into the SpecDrum, you can save time by LOADing the SpecDrum up to the "KIT LOADING" point, then substituting your own tape. (See above). Kits or single sounds can also be loaded into the SpecDrum from the LOAD/SAVE PAGE (see SpecDrum Manual). COPYRIGHT 1985. A PATEMAN and P HENNIG. It is Forbidden to copy sell lend hire transmit or transcribe in any form this program or any voice data recorded by this program without the written permission of the Copyright owners. ----- Typed by Michael Bruhn aka Frankie 22/8-2020