BBC MASTERMIND ============== This computer simulation of BBC TV s most popular quiz contest presents all the excitement and tension of the original - with one great difference - you, your family and your friends are the contestants! Your computer assumes the role of Mastermind Questionmaster Magnus Magnusson, presenting you with 2 minutes of questions on your chosen subject and 2 minutes of general knowledge questions. One, two, three or four contestants can play, and once loaded the program is self-explanatory. This pack contains two cassettes. Two sets of general knowledge questions and 2 sets of special subject questions - FILMS & TV and SPORT AND GAMES are included. If you would like to write your own questions for use with the BBC Mastermind program, an accessory program - BBC MASTERMIND QUIZMASTER is available separately. This booklet contains instructions on how to load and run your 'BBC MASTERMIND' program. As with the television programme on which it is based, you will be questioned on a special subject and on your general knowledge. There are six sets of special subject questions and four of general knowledge currently available. Two sets of special subject questions and two of general knowledge have been included with this pack, the other sets are available separately. You may already be aware that MASTERMIND'S accessory program - 'BBC MASTERMINDQUIZMASTER'- is also available separately and ONLY the relevant documentation is included in this booklet. LOADING THE PROGRAMS 1. Switch off your Spectrum to clear the memory completely. Switch on the computer, the television set, and then the printer if you have one. 2. Connect the ear socket on your Spectrum to the ear socket on your cassette recorder. 3. Place the program cassette in the cassette deck and ensure the tape is rewound. (Note: the program is recorded once on each side of the cassette for problem-free loading.) 4. Press LOAD (also the 'J' key) and then hold down the SYMBOL/SHIFT key and type "" (no space between quotation marks) and press ENTER. Press the PLAY button on the cassette deck and after a few seconds the border screen will flash. The blue and yellow stripes tell you that the program is loading. Loading will take about 3 minutes during which time you will also see the Home Discovery loader screen. Note: If the blue and yellow lines in the border do not appear, adjust the volume setting on the cassette recorder and try loading the program again. If you have any further problems, turn the cassette over and carry out the loading procedure once more. BBC MASTERMIND USING THE PROGRAM 1. Once the program has loaded, the title will appearand you will hear MASTERMIND'S signature tune. (Remember to stop the tape). You will be asked if you require instructions. If this isyourfirsttimetype Yand press ENTER. The screens that follow will give you information about the program as well as helpful hints on how to get the most out of answering the questions, scoring points, typing in answers etc. Press the SPACE bar as requested. 2. The next screen asks you to type in the number of contenders-up to 4 will be accepted. 3. Now simply followthescreen instructions. The first contender types in his/her name, occupation and special subject, pressing ENTER after each input. N.B. The special subject must be one produced specifically for the 'BBCMASTERMIND' program - either pre-recorded or created using the 'BBCMASTERMIND QUIZMASTER' program. Please make sure that you type in the name of the quiz correctly, type Y and press ENTER. 4. Insert the Data cassette into the recorder, making sure that it is rewound, and press SPACE. Press the PLAY key on your cassette recorder when prompted. The loading of the questions and data will take approximately 3 minutes. 5. When loading is complete, stop the tape and press the SPACE bar. You will see this screen: [image] Now the program and the first set of data have been loaded, you are ready to start the quiz. Notes on running the quiz As you are working against the clock, type in your answers as quickly as possible. If you make a mistake whilst typing, hold down the CAPS SHIFT key and press the DELETE key to erase the last character you entered. Press ENTER when you have keyed in the correct answer. The score is given in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, so that you can keep track as you go along. To pass a question, simply press ENTER. Please note that only 16 passes are allowed in each round. You will be awarded 1 point for every correct answer- near answers may be accepted, although spelling mistakes generally will not be. If your answer is wrong, the correct answer is given. If the answer is not exactly correct but contains a 'key' word, the screen will display "I CAN ACCEPT THAT" and give the exactly correct answer. After the score has been displayed, all those questions passed are presented again along with the correct answers. In the event of a tie, the contender with the lowest number of passes wins the contest. The next contender is then called. If he chooses the same special subject, the data will not have to be reloaded. In order that questions are not repeated, the 100 questions are divided equally between the number of contenders, so with 4 contenders each will be allocated 25 questions. It is unlikely that in normal circumstances more than 25 questions will be answered in a 2 minute round, but in that event "QUESTION LIMIT" is displayed. Once a question has been answered, it will not be used again. If a different special subject is requested, follow steps 4 and 5 to load the chosen subject. When all the contenders have answered their special subject questions, the scoreboard is displayed. The first contender is recalled to start the round of general knowledge questions. If you are using one of the pre-recorded, MASTERMIND data cassettes, the general knowledge section follows the special subject section. Therefore, you should leave the cassette in place after the last contender's special subject has been loaded. However, if you are using one of your own quizzes, created using 'BBC MASTERMIND QUIZMASTER', you will have to change cassettes. Load the required General Knowledge tape, which will not have to be reloaded between contenders, press SPACE and then start the tape. When each contender has completed the general knowledge quiz, you will see the scoreboard again and the winner will be announced. You now have the option to print your results. If you wish to do this, type Y and, when the printer and paper are ready, press SPACE. The quiz has now ended. If you wish to play again, press RUN (also the 'R' key) and press ENTER. BBC MASTERMIND QUIZMASTER USING THE PROGRAM Once the program has loaded, the title screen will appear while MASTERMIND'S signature tune is playing. The program's Main Menu will then be displayed. It is a good idea to see the capabilities of the program before creating your own quizzes, so you should first load one of the quizzes already contained in the 'BBC MASTERMIND' pack. Turn to the section GET SAVED QUIZ and followthe steps given for loading a quiz. There are 4 options on QUIZMASTER'S Main Menu. 1. CREATE QUIZ The questions you can create with this program should be written in the same way as those you have seen in the 'BBC MASTERMIND' program, where the 'quizee' must type in exactly the right answer, correctly spelled. There is no allowance for a definite or indefinite article ('the' or 'an' etc.) unless it has been entered by you, the quiz-writer, as part of the answer. There is space for a 'keyword' to be entered as well as the answer. This is usually part of the answer; for instance, if the answer is 'John Lennon', you may wish to enter 'Lennon' as the keyword. The keyword may also provide an alternative to the answer if there are two possible correct answers. Similarly, if, for example, an answer is the number 8, you may wish to make sure that both the written figure and the numeral are covered in the answer. In that case you would give the answer as '8' and the keyword as 'eight'. The keyword feature helps ensure that points are awarded in cases where the answer that has been typed in is correct, but does not match exactly the answer devised by the quiz-maker. Notes 1. Questions must not be longer than 154 characters, including spaces (about 5 and a half screen lines). 2. When writing questions, you do not have to press ENTER at the end of each line, as line lengths are worked out for you by the computer. 3. Each question and answer should be checked thoroughly before you press ENTER. It is much easier to correcta minor slip now, using the CAPS SHIFT and the DELETE key, than to correct it in the EDIT section, where you will have to re-type the whole question. If you do detect an error after you have pressed ENTER, make a note of the question number and leave it until you use the EDIT section. 4. There is a fixed question limit of 100 and when this is reached the Spectrum will display "QUIZ LIMIT REACHED". Keying in questions 1. Select option 1 from the Main Menu and press ENTER. Note: The CREATE QUIZ option is only used to start a completely new quiz. If you wish to complete one you have already started, go to the EDIT Menu and choose option 1, ADD QUESTIONS. If a quiz or part of a quiz is still in memory, you will be asked if you wish to delete the existing questions first. If you wish to save them before creating a new quiz, type N and go to the SAVE QUIZ section for details. 2. The first question screen will be displayed. Type in your first question. See NOTES above for details on writing questions. When you are satisfied with your question, press ENTER. 3. The Spectrum will display ANSWER?. Type it in and remember to check for errors before pressing ENTER. You will then be asked for the KEYWORD. If you decide that there is no suitable keyword for this question, or that it is unnecessary, simply press ENTER and the computer will enter 'NULL'. 4. Your question and answer is now complete and you are automatically presented with the next question screen. If you wantto end this section, press ENTER before writing a question and the EDIT Menu will appear. Note: If you have created only part of a quiz and now wish to edit it, see EDIT QUIZ below for details. If you then wish to complete the quiz, use the ADD QUESTION option on the EDIT Menu. Remember to save your completed quiz before creating a new one. 2. EDIT QUIZ Option 2 from the Main Menu allows you to edit a quiz in memory. If the quiz has just been created it will already be in memory. Otherwise, load the quiz from cassette (see section 4, GET SAVED QUIZ). Editing questions After selecting option 2, the EDIT Menu is displayed. 1. ADD QUESTION allows you to add questions to the quiz already in memory. The question screen appears and questions and answers (and keywords) are added in exactly the same way as when they were created. See CREATE QUIZ for details. Rememberthat there is a limit of 100 questions, so if the quiz is full you will have to delete a question before adding one. 2. DELETE QUESTION deletes selected questions from the quiz already in memory. Type in the number of the question you wish to delete, when asked, and that question will be displayed. The Spectrum will then prompt with DELETE? (Y/N/Quit). Only a response of Y will result in the question being deleted. If you are not sure which question you wish to delete, it is better to review the quiz first. You can do this by using the REVIEW QUIZ option. After a question has been deleted, or by typing N, you will be presented with the next question screen. Type Q if you wish to return to the EDIT Menu. 3. REPLACE QUESTION allows you to replace a question in the quiz. Type in the number of the question to be replaced and that question will be displayed. The Spectrum will then ask REPLACE? (Y/N/Quit). Only a response of Y will result in the question being replaced. In this case the old one is deleted and the screen clears for you to type in your replacement question. (See CREATE QUIZ for notes on how to write a question). When you have finished your replacement, or by typing N, you will be presented automatically with the next question. Type Q to return to the EDIT Menu. 4. REVIEW QUIZ enables you to page through each question in the quiz. Type in the number of the question from which you would like the review to begin and press ENTER. Type Y to review the next question. When you reach the last question that was entered, or by typing N, you are returned to the EDIT Menu. 5. PRINT QUIZ will print out the complete quiz if a printer is attached. You must enter the number of the question from which you would like to start printing. When printing is finished, you will be returned to the Main Menu. 6. END EDIT will return you to the Main Menu. Now that you have completed your quiz and are fully satisfied with it, you should save it. See SAVE QUIZ below for details. 3. SAVE QUIZ Having completed and edited your quiz it is a very good idea to SAVE it on cassette before you run it. Accidents can happen, and if the quiz is lost all your hard work will be in vain. The quiz in memory will be lost if: a) You select CREATE QUIZ from the Main Menu and then type Y when asked if you wish to delete existing questions. b) If you END the program from the Main Menu by typing 5 by mistake. c) The Spectrum is accidentally switched off. The SAVE QUIZ option is also useful if you wish to write your quiz in stages. It is easy to save part of a quiz and load it into memory for adding to at another time using ADD on the EDIT Menu. Saving questions 1. Type 3 (SAVE QUIZ) from the Main Menu and press ENTER. You will be asked for the name of the quiz. If a quiz you have created is to be used in the general knowledge round of 'BBC MASTERMIND', you must call the file 'GENERAL'. If you intend to use the quiz in the special subject round, you may call it whatever you wish but keep it short! Also, remember to write down the filename of your quiz for future reference. 2. Place a blank cassette into the cassette deck, type in the name of the quiz and press ENTER. Remember to remove the ear plug from your computer before saving and remember to put it back once you have finished saving or you will not be able to load a quiz. Press the RECORD and PLAY keys together on your cassette recorder and then press any key to start the saving process. Once the questions have been saved successfully, you must press any key to begin the saving process of the answers. Note: For convenience of loading and to avoid possible errors, you should save one quiz only on each side of the cassette. You may of course record the same quiz twice - one after the other - as a further safeguard. 3. When saving is complete, you will be asked to STOP THE TAPE and the Main Menu will be displayed. 4. GET SAVED QUIZ This option retrieves a previously created and saved quiz from cassette. Retrieving saved quiz 1. Select option 4 from the Main Menu and press ENTER. Please note that if you try to load a quiz while you already have a quiz in memory, the original quiz will be erased. You will be asked if you wish to delete the existing questions - you must type N here if you want to save this quiz. 2. When the computer's memory is clear, you will be asked to give the name of the quiz you wish to load. Type it in, spelt exactly the same as when it was saved, and press ENTER. 3. Place the relevant data cassette into the cassette deck, making sure it is rewound, and press the SPACE bar. Now start the tape as prompted and press SPACE. The Spectrum will respond with 'Loading questions please wait'. 4. When the loading is complete the Main Menu returns. 5. To reviewand edit the quiz now in memory, select option 2, EDIT QUIZ. 5. END This option ends the program and clears the memory. Please ensure that the quiz you have been working on is saved before you use this option. ©1984 IVAN BERG SOFTWARE LIMITED. All rights reserved. No part of this program or accompanying literature may be duplicated copied transmitted otherwise reproduced or hired out without the express written consent of the publishers. IVAN BERG SOFTWARE LIMITED, Dunluce House, 4 Canfield Gardens, London NW6 3QT, MIRRORSOFT, MIRROR GROUP NEWSPAPERS LIMITED, Holborn Circus, London EC 1P1 DQ.