SINCLAIR PROGRAMS, January/February 1983 ======================================== FROGGER (48K Spectrum) THIS VERSION of the perennial game must surely be definitive. As usual, your hapless amphibian is required to cross the crowded multi-land highway, then the flooded river - on the backs of turtles and logs - before reaching his home atop a lily-pad in the fathomless swamp. The frogs are controlled withj F for left, G for right, T for up and V for down. You have four lives and if you manage to get a frog on each of the lily-pads you receive a bonus frog, up to a maximum of four. Remember, though, only one frog per pad is allowed. There is a timer and a high-score facility. After the program has been entered it should be started with "RUN 2000" to define the graphics, after which the normal RUN can be used. Andrew Pennell of Cliftonville, Kent, who sent the program, says that Frogger was written for the 48 Spectrum but that owners of the 16K machine can use it by splitting it into two parts, 2000-2660 first, and 5-1580 second. This listing is probably unbeatable for the Spectrum. It is certainly the best we have seen. (48K or 16K Spectrum). Graphics notes: 110, 180, etc. - Graphic B 310 - Graphic H, graphic I; graphic K, graphic L. ERRORS AND MISHAPS - March/April 1983 Frogger provoked great enthusiasm - and great exasperation, the latter from readers who disputed the author's contention that it could be run on the 16K machine. He has supplied us with the following memory-saving amendments: First, replace 'PRINT VAL$ Q$' in lines 50, 130, 160, 305 and 400, with 'GO SUB 15'; next, delete lines 1120 to 1160 inclusive; and, finally, enter 15 FOR I=1 TO 6: PRINT AT Y(I),0;P$(I,X(I) TO );P$(I, TO X(I)-1): NEXT I: RETURN