TABLES WIZARD ============= A simple and entertaining game for 3-12 year olds to learn the fundamentals of addition and multiplication. As the computer picks a number each player must quickly work out which of the answers on the board might be used. For example, in the multiplication games '12' could be calculated by selecting 2 x 6, 6 x 2, 3 x 4, or 4 x 3. Where should the counter be placed? The aim is to build a path from one side of the board to the other, ahead of your opponent. On Side A you can play by yourself or with a friend; on Side B you progress to a more challenging version — ready to pit your wits against a friend or the computer. Make learning fun and see if you can become the TABLES WIZARD! TABLES WIZARD A simple and entertaining game for 3-12 year olds to learn the fundamentals of addition and multiplication. On Side A you can play by yourself or with a friend. You are given the choice of looking up the answers and studying the Addition or Multiplication Tables, or filling up the tables to see just how much you know already. On Side B you progress to a more challenging version - ready to pit your wits against a friend or the computer. Each player takes it in turns to find an answer. If you decide to play against the computer, you have got to know your numbers well to beat it every time. The game is set on a board with 121 'squares' laid out in 11 rows and 11 columns. Each side of the playing board is numbered from 0-10. On both sides of the cassette you can choose to concentrate on ADDING or MULTIPLYING. SETTING UP THE COMPUTER Before you load the program, turn your computer off and then on again, and check all connections to the cassette recorder and TV. LOADING THE PROGRAM Insert the cassette with the label facing upwards in the recorder and rewind it fully. Now type LOAD"" and press ENTER. Press PLAY on the cassette recorder. In a short while the message 'The Wizard is loading' will appear. This message will be replaced by a Title screen while the main program is loading. DO NOT TURN THE TAPE RECORDER OFF at any time (or adjust its controls in any way) until the main program has finished loading. If the program fails to load, please refer to your Spectrum Manual for guidance. N.B. The computer can be reset if the CAPS SHIFT and BREAK keys are pressed together. You may then restart the game by pressing RUN. If this does not work, you will have to rewind the tape and reload the game from the beginning. As soon as the Main Program has loaded on Side A and Side B you will be asked to make some choices from the options presented on the screen. You may also want to remove the sound. To do this press SYMBOL SHIFT and BEEP a few times; a message on the screen will tell you whether the sound is on or off. SIDE A The first screen on this program will ask you to 'Choose Adding or Multiplying'. Press the arrow keys (CAPS SHIFT and 6 or 7) to highlight the one you want and press ENTER. Then you have the option to 'LOOK IT UP' or 'FILL IT IN', depending on how brainy you are feeling. You only have to press the SYMBOL SHIFT and NEW key to start again and make a different set of choices. 1. LOOK IT UP: If you want to look up the correct answers, select the option and the computer will draw a complete table of .answers for you. Use the arrow keys to move the flashing box around the screen to find the right answer. The number in this box is equal to the numbers to the left and directly above it (by multiplication or addition). Every time you move the box, the computer will write a new number sentence at the top of the screen. Once you have seen all you need to know, press SYMBOL SHIFT and NEW to start again. 2. FILL IT UP: Alternatively, you can opt to fill up the blank table to show that you can work them out for yourself. With the help of the arrow keys you can move anywhere on the board and fill it with the correct answers in any order. Once you have decided on a square to fill, use the keys 0-9 to enter your answer. If you think you have made a mistake, use the DELETE key (CAPS SHIFT and 0) to remove the error. When you think your answer is right, press ENTER and the computer will tell you if you arc correct. You won't be able to move away from this square until you get it right! SIDE B This is a game for two players, one of which may be the computer. You must first type in the players' names so that the computer can tell whether or not it is playing. If you want to play against the computer, type in 'Computer'. The name typed in the first slot will play first and, because there is an odd number of squares on the board, will have one more turn than the second player. After each name has been typed press ENTER. Now decide whether you are playing the ADDING or the MULTIPLYING game. Select your choice by using the arrow keys (CAPS SHIFT and 6 or 7) and press ENTER. The game consists of 1121 questions. You have to 'Find a square for N' where N is one of the remaining answers on the board. It is quite likely that there is more than one square for a particular answer and you must choose the square that is to your advantage. Having decided on your square, use the arrow keys to move the box cursor to the square and press ENTER. If you get the answer wrong, the other player has a chance to get some bonus points. Each time you place a correct answer, you will be given points both 'horizontally' and 'vertically'. You should always attempt to place your answers next to boxes that are already yours. If you manage to get a complete row or column in your colour alone, you will get a bonus of 50 points. At the end of the game the computer will display the final scores. Press SYMBOL SHIFT and NEW if you want to start the game again. Published by Hill MacGibbon 8 Grafton Street, London W1X 3LA © Michael Bawtree 1984 First published 1985 All rights reserved. The contents of this cassette and booklet are copyright and may not be duplicated in any form by mechanical, lithographic, photographic, electronic, or other means. Manufactured in Great Fritain by Cosprint Ltd., London Cover illustration by Ainsley MacLeod