RECORDS FILE ============ Compatible with almost any League Table, especially designed for Football Directors and 2 player Super League Enter your end of season data and it works out best teams and average seasons, records, title wins, and seasons played for all teams. (This is not a game) RECORD FILE If you are going to load saved data, press F key when the list of teams appear, and start tape. To start a new file you must now change, using the C key, any team name which you have changed, on the name editor in FOOTBALL DIRECTOR or SUPER LEAGUE games, then press F key and start tape. MAIN MENU ENTER INFORMATION This option enables you to update the data on all or any of the teams. Before you choqse this option, you must have either printed or written down the following information: TEAM NAME, GAMES PLAYED, NUMBER OF WINS, NUMBER OF DRAWS, GOALS SCORED, GOALS CONCEDED, DIVISION. 1. NUMBER OF GAMES PLAYED All the teams you are entering must play the same amount of games. 2. WHICH DIVISION All the teams you are entering must be in the same division. 3. TEAM NAME This must be the exact spelling. 4. NUMBER OF WINS 5. NUMBER OF DRAWS 6. NUMBER OF GOALS SCORED - NUMBER OF GOALS AGAINST 7. ARE YOU SURE? Y/N This is the only time you can delete all the data you have just entered on the last team. 8. ANYMORE ENTRIES? Y/N If 'YES' it will return to note 3 and you will begin the process again. If you press 'NO' then you will return to the Main Menu. LIST RECORDS This option allows you to view any 5 teams, showing the teams total so far. Using the F and B key, you can flick forward and backwards through the list. SEARCH FOR A RECORD This option will allow you to access to the same information as Key L except that you can input the particular team you are looking for. AVERAGE SEASON You type in the team name you are interested in, then you will be shown a breakdown of that teams Average Season. RECORD HOLDERS TITLE WINNERS 1 SAVE CURRENT FILE This enables you to save the current data onto the tape. 0 LOAD SAVED FILE This will load in any saved data from a tape. CALCULATE DATA This option will only be available when you have entered some information. After pressing you will be asked to wait. When the computer has finished this operation it will return to the Main Menu. P to print out any page. Games also available in this series Football Director International Manager 2 Player Super League available from Written by T. Huggard and J. De Salis. D & H Games, 1986 19, Melne Road, Stevenage, Herts. SG2 8LL