SPEED COPIER The program offers you the chance to add a Professional touch to all your work. Save your Basic and Machine Code files at twice the normal speed with multicoloured borders, and help secure your programs from prying eyes. The Speed Copier also includes a Header Reader to help you with your hacking. Follow the same loading procedure as printed on the opposite page. The following menu will appear: (L)OAD NORMAL FILE (S)PEED SAVE FILE (Q)UIT Press the key enclosed in brackets to selection the option you want. E.g. press 'L' to load a normal file. At all times during program operation the computer will indicate an illegal action by sounding a low pitched beep. Conversely, a legal action will result in a high pitched beep being sounded. Selecting 'L' will tell the computer to load either a normal Basic or Machine Code file. The computer distinguish between the two and will not allow the loading of any other type of file. The maxiumum number of bytes which can be loaded into the computer is 39500. If this limit is reached while loading the program will return to the menu. The computer will automatically display all header information, a description of which is given below: FILE NAME is the name assigned to the file you are loading. An important feature to note is that the program will print any codes outside of the recognised character range as question marks. FILE TYPE tells you if the file you are loading is Basic or Machine Code. START ADDRESS is displayed when loading a Machine Code file. It is the address into which the code normally loads. AUTO-RUN LINE is displayed when loading a Basic file. If there is an auto-run line number for the file it will be printed, if not the computer will print "NONE". CODE LENGTH displays the length of the code in a machine code file. LENGTH(+VARS) gives the length of the Basic file including its variables. This is the actual file length. LENGTH(-VARS) give the length of the Basic file excluding its variables. Once you have loaded your file, you can either Speed Save it or load another one instead. Selecting 'S' will tell the computer to Speed Save the file currently in memory. If there is no file in memory the computer will indicate an illegal action and return to the menu. The Basic or Machine Code will be saved with a small Machine Code loader (142 bytes for a Basic file and 77 for a Machine Code file). This can be loaded into any reasonable address in RAM, providing it will not overlap with the Speed Saved file. Once loaded, execute it with a RANDOMIZE USR call. Selecting 'Q' will prompt the computer to ask the question "Are you sure? (Y/N)". Press 'Y' and the computer will reset. Pressing any other key will return you to the menu. EXAMPLES 1. If the Speed Saved code will occupy addresses 60000 to 60512, enter: CLEAR 49999 LOAD "" CODE 50000 RANDOMIZE USR 50000 2. For Speed Saved Basic files, locate the loader at any address above 23755+LENGTH (+VARS) E.g. If you Basic file LENGTH (+VARS) was 8000, put the loader at any address above 31755 (23755+8000) ie. CLEAR 39999 LOAD "" CODE 40000 RANDOMIZE USR 40000 NOTE #1: The address 23755 is conditional upon there being no microdrive attached to your system. If you do have a microdrive attached, use the value obtained from reading the system variable PROG, which is listed in your user manual. NOTE #2: As you would expect, low quality casette tapes may result in poor loading reliability. Only use tapes of a good standard to ensure optimum performance from the Speed Copier.