SUPERCHESS ========== The Chess Program for the Sinclair 48K SPECTRUM 'Superchess' is a powerful machine code program with 10 levels of play, a choice of strategy, a board display and many more exciting features. TO LOAD A PROGRAM The procedure for loading a program is described in chapter 6 of the Sinclair SPECTRUM Instruction Booklet. For your convenience the procedure is summarized here. 1. Position the tape before the start of the program. 2. Ensure that the EAR socket on the SPECTRUM is connected to the earphone socket on your tape recorder. 3. Set the volume control to about 3/4 of maximum and any tone controls to: treble high; bass low. Alternatively, use levels that you have already found to be successful on your recorder. 4. Type LOAD "SUPERCHESS", but do not press ENTER. 5. Start the tape recorder playing. 6. Press ENTER. If the program fails to load, see cassette for approximate load time, press BREAK and try again with a new volume setting. If the program still fails to load refer to chapter 6 of the Sinclair SPECTRUM Instruction Booklet. The material on this tape and inlay card, or any part thereof, shall not be copied for use by any other person or organization, neither shall it be loaned nor hired. CP SOFTWARE (C) Copyright 1982. NO part of this program shall be reproduced without prior permission in writing. While every effort has been made in the production of this program the publisher undertakes no rfesonsibility for errors nor liability for damage arising from its use. ABOUT 'SUPERCHESS' 'SUPERCHESS' has 10 levels of play numbered 0 to 9. Starting at level 0 the play becomes progress -ively stronger with each successive level. The style of game is determined by selecting one of two methods by which the game is assessed, these are Tactical or Positional evaluation. With tactical evaluation reponses to your moves are faster while positional evaluation provides a more varied game. Overall response times for the first 5 levels (0 to 4) are within tournament time limits. For example, a typical response time at level 0 is 5 seconds, and at level 1 is 8 seconds. The actual response time to any one move depends not only on the level but also on the complexity of the position, just as when playing another chess player. The higher levels of play are suitable for extended games, similar to postal chess, and for problem solving. In the same way that many players have a store of openings in their memory, so is 'SUPERCHESS' provided with a store of standard openings. All legal moves are allowed including castling and pawn capture en passant. If, by mistake or design, you try to enter an illegal move it will not be accepted. Standard algebraic chess notation is used to enter and display moves. The co-ordinate system for this notation is included as part of the board display to assist those unfamiliar with the notation. The playing instructions give full details for entering moves and selecting from the available options. The board display makes use of the SPECTRUM'S high resolution graphics. White always starts at the bottom of the display and, as a reminder, the white player is indicated below the board, for example, if the SPECTRUM is white then the message - 'SPECTRUM is WHITE' is displayed. The display includes a list of the previous (up to 15) moves, the playing level and evaluation mode. While it is possible to play using only the display board you are recommended to follow the game on a conventional board. It is then a simple matter to check that the position on the board and display correspond. 'SUPERCHESS' also provides several other features, which can be selected either before or during a game, these are: HELP, this lists the available options. RECOMMENDED MOVE, if you can't decide on your next move then, this option recommends a move that you might play. SELF PLAY, allows you to sit back and watch 'SUPERCHESS' play itself. RESIGN, this is the option to use when you consider the game is lost, you may get quite familiar with this! ANALYSE, allows you to set up and/or change a position by adding and removing pieces. PLAYING INSTRUCTIONS To load and run enter LOAD "SUPERCHESS" - ENTER. The program is self starting on completion of loading but before a game can start you are asked to select colour, playing level etc. Your responses to these questions can be entered in full or more simply by entering only the first letter, example 'Do you, want Black or White?' if you choose white you only need enter "W" - ENTER. All responses and moves must be completed by pressing ENTER. Before a game you will be asked:- 'Do you want to "Play" or "Analyse"?' (here we assume play is selected) 'Do you want "Black" or "White"?' 'Select playing level 0 to 9' 'Do you want "Tactical" or "Positional" evaluation?' When you have entered the appropriate responses the board will be displayed and all is ready to start the game. In fact if you are black the first move will have been made. Moves are made by entering first the coordinates of the square you wish to move FROM followed by the coordinates of the square you wish to move TO. Example, White wishes to move his queen's pawn from square D2 to square D4, enter "D2D4" (don't forget to press ENTER). If you try to enter an illegal move you will get the message 'INVALID MOVE' and you must then enter a correct move. Captures are made in the same way as moves. Example, to capture a bishop on F6 with a knight on E4, enter "E4F6". To castle only the king move is entered. Example, to castle kingside enter "E1G1", to castle queenside enter "E1C1". Pawn capture en passant is entered as for other pawn captures. Example, to use a pawn on C5 to capture a pawn that has just moved from B7 to B5 enter "C5B6". On reaching the 'back rank' pawns are automatically promoted to a queen. Once a game has ended either with a checkmate or if you choose to resign you will be asked if you want another game. Entering "YES" returns to the start options while entering "NO" returns to basic and clears the program. During Play, several further options are available. 'Recommended move', which can be used only after the opening. Enter "REC" and a move will be suggested. You may now enter this or any other (legal) move you choose. You can change:- 'playing level' by entering "LEV" followed by the number of the level required; ‘evaluation mode' by entering "EVA" and the mode is automatically changed. 'Resign', when you feel the game is lost or if you just want to stop the game enter "RES", you will then be asked if you want another game. 'He!p', used once the game has started or in the analyse mode, enter "HEL" to obtain a list of options. To get back to the game enter "P". 'Self Play', can be used only after the opening, to obtain enter "SEL", now 'SUPERCHESS' will play itself but you must press ENTER after each move. To get back to 'Play' enter "SEL". ANALYSE You can select 'Analyse' before a game starts or during play by entering "ANA". The board and existing position will be displayed. The board can be cleared (except for the two kings) by entering "CL". This can be done whenever the message 'enter "CL" to clear board' is displayed. 'Analyse' allows you to set up and change positions as required. To do this, you are first asked to enter the square that you wish to add a piece to or remove a piece from, this is followed by a request to enter the colour and piece code of the piece you want on that square (see table). To remove a piece instead of entering the colour and piece code enter "0". Each type of piece has a numerical code which must be preceded by the colour when entering. The complete code is the colour followed by a number:- Black White Pawn Knight Bishop B W 1 2 3 Rook Queen Kinq Remove 4 5 6 0 Examples:- To put a white knight to E4 enter "E4" and then enter "W2". To remove a black bishop from C2 enter "C2", then enter "0". To move a white queen from D1 to D5 enter "D5", then enter "W5", next enter "Dl" and finally enter "0". One use of 'Analyse' is to set up a position and then play from there. To return to 'Play' enter "QUIT" followed by a move or if you want to start a new game enter "QUIT" followed by "RES" followed by "YES" and this will return you to the start.