BREAKOUT by David Robertson Nothing's more annoying, I always think, than those people who find it amusing to wait until you've finished your latest masterpiece and then press Break and muck about with it. Well, apart from the teaspoon you always find at the bottom of the washing-up bowl when you tip the water out, maybe. And adverts on telly that start off looking as though they're going to be really exciting, and then turn out to be for some kind of investment savings insurance plan. But I can't think of anything else. David Robertson has come up with the solution this time, in the form of a couple of lines of Basic that, once run, will generate a block of code that can be saved out and incorporated into the program you want to protect. Once you've got the code in memory, calling it with RANDOMIZE USR 60000 (or wherever you've chosen to put the code - it's relocatable) will lock out the Break key and cause any other error to crash the computer. Be careful how you use it, though, and make sure you RANDOMIZE USR whatever after using Load and Save.