TOOLKIT by C. Joyce from Your Sinclair, September 1989 For generations, programmers have been turning to Program Pitstop whenever they're in need of a useful routinette to alleviate in some way the toil of their sordid occupation. You know, a renumber program, a REM deleter, that kind of thing. Wouldn't it be great then if someone came along and combined all these things into one short program, eliminating at a stroke all that messing about with little bits of code here and there? Well, almost entirely by coincidence (predicable? moi?), that's exactly what C Joyce has done. And more, naturally. C's multi-purpose, all-weather Toolkit program takes up less than 1K (just) of your memory, and is ready to pop up when required to offer you the following. Length shows the length of your Basic program. Memory gives the amount of free memory available. Ramtop shows the position of, yes, Ramtop. Renumber does exactly what you might expect, including GOTOs and GOSUBs. Delete REMs does just that, to give you a bit more breathing space. Compact removes unnecessary spaces and control codes. Variables gives a list of the variables currently defined. Mode d'Emploi Use the Hex Loader to bash in the Hex listing starting at address 64000, and save the code onto tape. When it's required, the program can be reloaded with LOAD "" CODE and summoned up with RANDOMIZE USR 64000, whereupon a menu will appear offering all the above features at the press of a key. If you want to change the renumbering values from their defaults of ten and ten: POKE 64958,x-(256*INT (x/256)) POKE 64959,INT (x/256) to change the starting value to x, and: POKE 64960,y-(256*INT (y/256)) POKE 64961,INT (y/256) to change the increment to y. There's also a short Basic demo full of disgusting line numbers, surplus spaces and excess REMs which you can use to try out your new found programming powers. Now you've got no excuse for sending in mucky, scruffily-numbered programs. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [The following correction from YS Mar.1990 has been included,] [but displaying arrays still goes wrong sometimes. JimG] I'm informed by Ken Taylor (Who, funnily enough, lives just down the road from me. Hilarious, eh?) that the Tookit program from the September YS is a bit dodgy when dealing with array variables. This shouldn't cause too many problems, but just to be on the safe side Ken supplies the following POKEs to cure the problem once and for all ... 64915,205 64963,0 64967,35 64916,194 64964,0 64968,35 64917,253 64965,35 64969,201 64962,17 64966,94