ROSALINE (48K Spectrum) - a.k.a. Love Is... SU8502w035087Rosaline.tap ========================= "Love is a device invented by bank managers to make us overdrawn." - Arnold Judas Rimmer, "Confidence & Paranoia" (Red Dwarf series I) LONELY hearts with an empty letterbox on February 14 might care to try the Sinclair User dating agency as a means to obtaining their ideal partner in life. The program deals with physical characteristics, professions, and interests, but you could modify it to include other items if you wanted. It also requires information about your ideal partner. Love Is... was written by the romantic Jonathan Ashburner of St Helens on Merseyside, for the 48K Spectrum. The computer requests personal details and then matches them against other stored in the computer. You may save the data to tape and also take a hard copy of the questionnaire and details of the match if you have a printer. The program uses our special abbreviations for graphics characters, so please read the instructions on the first page of Program Printout before typing in the program. NOTE: the program was tested with some characters from Viz (who would have thought Baz was a match for *both* of The Fat Slags, eh?) and appears to be working, but I have to wonder what use it would have been... to anyone, even at the time. The program is 9,283 bytes when CLEARed but swells to 35,685 bytes when the arrays and variables are held in memory - and it can only hold details for 40 people. Maybe if there had been a working ZX Spectrum on Pitcairn Island, it could have worked there... ================================================== Text and program typed by Jim Waterman, April 2020 ==================================================