YOUR COMPUTER NOV. 83 - Page 231 BYTE TRANSFER Joel Baker This program can be merged into a normal Basic program and once it is Run it will transfer bytes from the user-defined graphics or any machine-code program into one long data statement. The program is extremely useful for storing machine cod, or for saving space. For instance, usually when creating user-defined graphics, a programmer enters data using the BIN function, but once entered this method consumes a lot of RAM, so by running this program you can conserve memory. Enter the program as shown. It is important to enter all the As because these are made to hold all the data of the UDGs. Entry can be made easier by typing first POKE 23608,1 which disables the Rasp. After entering the program, you should Save it and then merge it with a desired program. Type RUN 9000. You will then be asked the starting location which is usually USR "A" and the you will be asked the ending location which usually be USR "u"+7. After waiting for about 30 seconds you will see the Data statement filled with numbers, and there you have all the UDGs neatly Poked into Line 1. cc 2020, Ignacio Prini Garcia (Spain) Program typed and saved to .tap with Spectaculator 8.0 NOTE: I typed the program as-it-is in the stated page of the magazine, not having filled line 1 with 1540 A's. Saved without autorun.