Monty's Last Strike. STORY: When Monty was locked away in her majesty's prison he was told about the legend of the queen's missing gold. After many adventures around the world Monty has returned to the UK and when sat watching TV he finds himself thinking once again about the gold. The mines have been closed by Margaret Thatcher during the 1980's therefore they should be empty so Monty decides to go on another adventure. Welcome to Monty's Last Strike! KEYS: q,a,o,p and space or joystick INSTRUCTIONS: Collect as many objects as possible and find the gold then make it out alive. THANKS: Binman For Help with release, Jonathan for AGD, Paul J for the AGD video tutorials, Dominic and Lily for putting up with me doing this and testing, Luca and Binman for Land of the Miremare as the attention to detail inspired me.