Magical Tower Adventure - Mini version Story: There is a story of a Tower somewhere in the evil lands, filled with monsters and other magical creatures. Many fighters have entered but no one came back. There are many rumours about treasures and princesses but no one really knows. This time a new Hero arrived at the Magical Tower, and he will need all the help he can get to kill the boss at the top level of the Tower. How to kill a monster during a fight: Every round, the monsters HP will be reduced by hero's ATK - monster's DEF, then, if it didn't die, the hero's HP will be reduced by monster's ATK - hero's DEF. Repeat until one of them dies. If the Hero dies, the game is over. Movements: Move the hero with the UP / DOWN / LEFT / RIGHT of the joystick. You fight monsters by bumping into them. Opening doors and talking to people are also possible by bumping. To close a dialogue, press FIRE. There's no undo button, so please be careful! Controls: The following keyboard combinations / joysticks are supported: * QAOPM * QAOP * Sinclair 1/2 * Kempston You choose which joystick/key combination at the main screen by pressing the corresponding FIRE button. Misc: This is just a random game I wanted to remake/demake. But the full game is a lot of work so I ended with 10 levels only. Note that these levels are a (little) bit easier than the original. If I ever want to make a larger game I'll use my own levels instead. I like this minigame enough so I thought I release it. Any comments, good or bad, is appreciated. (c) code + graphics 2016 Timmy or