HOOY-PROGRAM presents: an arcade-platform game "Magical Dimensions" for ZX Spectrum 128 computers' series. YERZMYEY: - idea, - script, - graphic, - levels, - fonts, - chiptune music - digital music - AGD parts of code HELLBOJ: - Assembler coding - hacking - linking MisterIOUS BEEP: - 1-bit / BEEPER music - Jonathan Cauldwell was traditionally a great moral and intellectual support. :) The game has 4 pretty vast levels (11 chambers each, which gives in total 44 screens to overcome). It has been originally based on AGD. (C) 09.2016 by H-PRG http://hooyprogram.republika.pl/ TR-DOS version by Lord Vader (thanks! :) ). SoundTrack can be found here: https://soundcloud.com/mister_beep/mister-beep-battlefield-insanity-zx48 https://soundcloud.com/yerzmyey/yerzmyey-evelynn https://soundcloud.com/yerzmyey/yerzmyey-orch-or http://yerzmyey.i-demo.pl/Yerzmyey-Taiyou.mp3