11th May 2003 Welcome to Nightmare Park! One of BadBeard's all time favourite games! :) If there was one thing that I was gonna do before I left college it was to get a listing of this game as I used to spend all day playing it :))) Little did I know that having ported it selfishly to Spectrum for myself in 1987 and storing the original listing for bang on 20 years that I would find it freely available on the net all these years later :) What a waste of time that was then! This is a ZX Spectrum conversion based on the original Commodore PET classic by Bob Chappel 14/5/80. Converted in 1987 and total revamp 2003 for CGC 2003. You can find the original here... http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/commodore/ and look under PET. You will also need an emulator to play the program. I recommend VICE emulator which can be found here... On PET settings choose a 40 column PET such as 4032. http://viceteam.bei.t-online.de/#download Death Rays, The Doors, Hail Of Barbs, The Egotistical Gorilla, The Crusher, The Gruseome Gambler, Multiplying Zigzaggers(Lurgi), Surrounded By Blabbers, Maniacal Memory Tester, Stampeding Unicorns are all from the Original written by Bob Chappel :) Peeping Tom, Shooting, Bonus Stage, Spikes Of Death, Divebomber, Eye Boggler, The Lander are newly added games by me :) CREDITS DUE ----------- BOB CHAPPEL for the original Nightmare Park. SPIN TEAM - Paul Dunn, Mark Woodmass and Marko for the best ZX Spectrum Emulator. Apart from screen$ design SPIN was used for just about everything else! Just needs a 'Make Cup O'Tea' option now and it'll be sorted :) Get it from the greatest ZX Spectrum Site World Of Spectrum... http://www.worldofspectrum.org/index.html Look under emulators. LCD for the excellent BMP2SCR PRO with which I made the screen$. To see some fab screens made using this program have a look here... http://www.bath.ac.uk/~csmak/zx/ Get BMP2SCR PRO here... http://lcd-one.da.ru/ ARTIST 2 By Bo Jangeborg - used it to add a few touches :) Bugs to... bad_beard@ntlworld.com coming in the future... Nightmare Park 2 ???